使用指令:// ****************** Laser Guns Settings ******************
amx_luds_lasers 1
//0 - laser shots are free, 1 - laser shots cost "amx_laser_cost" (CS Only)
//amx_laser_buy 0
//Ammount of money taken each time you shoot the laser
//amx_laser_cost 100
//Temperature at which point your laser overheats and explodes thus killing you
//amx_laser_maxtemp 3440
//Number of laser shots given per round for free to clients when "amx_laser_buy" is 0
//amx_laser_ammo 50
//if mp_friendlyfire is 1 and this cvar is set to 0, this plugin will act as if
//friendlyfire is off... even if its on.
//amx_laser_obeyffcvar 1
//if friendlyfire is on, this sets the ammount of automatic retribution for
//shooting teammates in mirror damage stlye
// 0 = no damage to team hurter
// 1 = exact mirror damage to team hurter
// 2 = double damage to team hurter
//amx_laser_tkpunish1 1
//if friendlyfire is on, this sets the type of punishment given if you kill a certain
//number of teammates detemined by the cvar amx_laser_tkpunish3. Can be set 0, 1, or 2
// 0 = no action
// 1 = kick off server
// 2 = ban for 3 hours
//amx_laser_tkpunish2 1
//if friendlyfire is on, on killing this many of your teammates, the plugin takes
//the action set by amx_laser_tkpunish2 cvar
//the higher this number is set, the worse a bot's laser aim will be.
//Set to 0 for bots to have near godlike laser aim. Default is 16
//amx_laser_botaimdiffuse 16
// FLYing //
amx_flymode 0 or 1 (default is 1) - Toggles Flying on and off
amx_allfly 0 or 1 (default is 0) - Toggles Flying for all players (admin or not)
amx_flyspeed 0 or greater (default is 500) - Toggles speed of flight when moving forwards or backwards
amx_flytrails 0 or 1 (default is 1) - Toggles players trails when flying on and off
amx_flytrailbrightness 0 or greater (default is 40) - Toggles brightness of player trails
amx_flybeforeftime 1 or 0 (default is 1) - Toggles whether anyone can fly before the freezetime is up (admin or not)
amx_hover_grav 0 or greater (default is 0.001) - Toggles gravity when hovering
// fly !!!!!!! fly //
+fly - This is what the players without admin have to bind to fly when amx_allfly is set to 1
+adminfly - This is what admins can use to fly even when amx_allfly is set to 0
fly_toggle - This does the same thing as +fly except you have to press once to engage, and again to disengage
adminfly_toggle - This is the same as fly_toggle except only admins with proper access can use it whether amx_allfly is 0 or 1
安裝路徑:AMXX檔案放到cstrike\addons\amxmodx\plugins裡面,放好後到cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configs 裡面有個plugins檔案裡面加上指令

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