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AV-Test (2008/9/2) 百萬樣本正式測試
AV-Test (2008/9/2) 百萬樣本正式測試
AV-Test release latest results
Major test of suite products completed
Independent testing body AV-Test.orghas released the results of a major comparative of suite products, withmany vendors' 2009 editions included in the results. The test covers arange of metrics, including detection rates over various types ofmalware including adware and spyware, false positive rates, scanning speed, proactive detection, and response times to outbreaks.
In terms of pure detection rates in on-demand scanning,
a beta version of GDATA's AVK 2009 topped the charts for both 'malware' (measured against 1,164,662 samples) and 'ad- and spyware' (94,291 samples), with Avira's Premium Security Suite 2008 a close runner-up in the former category and F-Secure 2009 placing second in the latter. Secure Computing's Webwasher gateway product, based on the Avira engine with some in-house heuristics, came third in both categories.
Other areas analysed were scored on a five-point scale from very goodto very poor. 'Proactive' protection included scanning of filesdiscovered after the freezing of products, and executing unrecognisedmalware to test behavioural protection. Products rating 'good' orbetter in every category include Avira's premium suite (the popular free version has less complete spyware detection), AVK 2009, F-Secure's 2009 suite, Symantec's Norton I.S. 2009 (still in beta) and Sophos's Security Suite 2.5. All products taking part in the test managed to achieve a 'good' or better in at least one category.
The test also included keeping a record of the number of updatesreleased over a four-week period. Of course, these numbers on their owncannot be used to measure the quality of the products involved, butwere recorded out of interest. The most interesting data to emerge fromthis measurement was that the 2009 version of Norton topped the table with an impressive 6,202 incremental micro-updates, issued several times per hour, while Kaspersky came a distant second with a mere 696. Half of the 34 products tested had fewer than 100, including those from McAfee (21) and Trend Micro (30).
A summary of the major areas tested is printed below; hover over the product names to see full version information.

(1) AVK 2008 uses the Avast and Kaspersky scan engines
(2) AVK 2009 uses the Avast and BitDefender scan engines
(3) WebWasher uses the Avira engine and a self-developed heuristic engine
(4) the free (personal) edition does not include ad- and spyware detection, so the results would be --
02 September 2008

[ 此文章被upside在2008-09-04 01:58重新編輯 ]

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thank you very much

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:臺灣 | Posted:2008-10-13 22:04 |

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