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[圖片分享] 2008 Mitsubishi Evolution X [7p] with text!!
2008 Mitsubishi Evolution X

We drive a handling prototype of the next Evo in Japan. It’s as much fun as ever
We were invited to test a prototype version of the upcoming Evo X on the snow-covered Mitsubishi proving grounds in northern Japan. The Evo X is perhaps a year and a half away from a showroom, and it’s not every day that we’re invited to drive a future product and write about it, but Mitsubishi is feeling good about its recent climb back from the financial brink and wanted to give us a glimpse of what the Evo X will be like.
he prototypes we drove may have worn Evo IX bodies, but underneath was a prototype version of the all-wheel-drive system that will be in the Evo X. Mitsubishi is working to improve its AWD system, dubbed Super All Wheel Control (SAWC), by integrating a brake-based traction-and-stability-control system with the existing active center differential. The goal is to quickly send engine torque to the wheels with grip and also improve vehicle handling. In extreme slides, the system can save your behind much like existing stability-control systems do, but it can also provide a gentle nudge. On the snow, both systems worked to deliver the right amount of power for the conditions, and although it is still possible to throw the car around and cause the rear wheels to slide, bringing it back into line is made easier by the increased control offered by the braking system.
Judging by the tweaks made to the SAWC system, we anticipate the next Evo will be as entertaining as the current car, despite increases in size and weight. A power boost to over 300 horsepower should help.

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:台灣中華電信 | Posted:2006-06-28 06:25 |
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還真看不懂他在説什麼   Orz....

獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:台灣中華電信 | Posted:2006-06-28 13:40 |
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我們駕駛下Evo 的一個處理的原型在日本。這是同樣多樂趣像我們曾經被邀請測試即將來臨的Evo x 的原型版本在snow-covered 三菱證明的地面在北日本。Evo x 是或許一年半外從陳列室, 並且它不每天我們被邀請駕馭未來產品和寫對此, 但三菱感到好關於它的最近攀登從財政邊緣和想給我們什麼的瞥見Evo x 將是像。他我們駕駛的原型也許有破舊的Evo IX 身體, 但在底下是原型版本的所有輪子駕駛將是在Evo X. 三菱工作改進它的AWD 系統, 取綽號的超級所有輪子控制的系統(SAWC), 經過集成一個基於閘的牽引和穩定控制系統以現有的活躍中心差別。目標是迅速寄發引擎扭矩到輪子與夾子和並且改進車處理。在極端幻燈片, 系統可能保存您後面很像現有的穩定控制系統, 但它可能並且提供柔和輕推。在雪, 兩個系統運作提供正確的相當數量力量為條件, 並且雖然它是可能投擲汽車和導致後輪滑, 帶來它回到線由增加的控制使更加容易由制動系統提供。判斷由扭動被做對SAWC 系統, 我們期望下Evo 將是像招待作為當前的汽車, 儘管在大小和重量的增量。力量助力對300 馬力應該幫助。

想你 是每天最快樂的時候 υJCL
獻花 x1 回到頂端 [2 樓] From:台灣中華電信 | Posted:2006-06-28 19:20 |
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獻花 x0 回到頂端 [3 樓] From:台灣中華電信 | Posted:2006-06-29 22:41 |

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