
靈命日糧 - 2005年3月23日 讀經: 詩篇119篇41-48節
金句: 「我也要在君王面前論說你的法度,並不至於羞愧。」(詩篇119篇46節)
全年讀經: 士師記16-18章
全世界有許多旅館在每個房間放置一本聖經,只要打開抽屜便可找到。 近來在一間下榻的旅館內,卻在大廳桌上看見一本一直打開的聖經。待我進入房內,聖經不是在抽屜裏,也是放在桌上。我猜想旅館主人決定這樣做,是想要那些旅行者能感到上帝的同在、聽見上帝的話語。當人在異鄉時,他們常感到孤獨,更需要安慰。
在這個冷漠和迷失的世界裏, 我們是它唯一能讀到的聖經; 我們是懷疑論者嘲笑的對象, 也是千千萬萬罪人們的福音。Flint
聖經所有註釋裏,最棒的就是好的見證。──John Donne ****************************************************************************************************** Open Bible
Read:Psalm 119:41-48 I will speak of Your testimonies also before kings, and will not be ashamed. —Psalm 119:46
Bible In One Year: Judges 16-18
Many hotels in countries around the world have a Bible in each room. Just open a drawer and you'll find it.
But during a recent hotel stay, I was surprised to see an open Bible placed prominently on a table in the lobby. And when I reached my room, instead of the Bible being in a drawer, it was lying open on the desk. My guess is that the owner decided to draw people's attention to the presence of God and His Word as they travel—often alone and sometimes in great need.
This caused me to ponder my own response to the Scriptures. Is the Bible open in my heart for people to see? Do my actions give evidence that I'm meditating on God's Word?
Psalm 119 is filled with praise for the wonder of God's Word, along with the writer's promise to live by it and share it with others. "I will walk at liberty, for I seek Your precepts," he wrote. "I will speak of Your testimonies also before kings, and will not be ashamed. And I will delight myself in Your commandments, which I love. . . . And I will meditate on Your statutes" (vv.45-47).
Since every life is an open book, let's seek to demonstrate the love and power of God's Word, the Bible, for everyone to see. —David McCasland
We are the only Bible The careless world will read; We are the sinner's gospel, We are the scoffer's creed. —Flint
Of all the commentaries on the Scriptures, good examples are the best. —John Donne
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