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[分享] World Community Grid 停机更新MySQL
Jan 10, 2012 11:00:57 PM
Extended BOINC Server Outage Planned from 21:30 UTC Jan 13 through 8:00 UTC Jan 14th
We are going to be upgrading our database for the BOINC systems from MySQL 5.0 to MySQL 5.5. There have been substantial improvements in the MySQL database performance between these releases, and as we continue to grow, we need this additional performance.

In order to accomplish this change, we will need to stop all access to the BOINC database during this change. This will allow us to take a clean backup of the database and then upgrade the system. Due to the size of the database, we expect it to take some time to do this upgrade and thus the length of the outage.

During the outage the website and forums will work (except for the result status page which queries the BOINC database). Additionally, clients will be able to update result files and download input files. However, clients will not be able to communicate with the server to report completed results nor obtain new work to process.

Additionally, this change window occurs during the end of day statistics process. We will defer the end of day statistics process until after the database upgrade is complete.

We apologize for the disruption, but it is necessary to support the continued growth in your contribution.


1月13日21:30 UTC——1月14日8:00 UTC,计划将MySQL由5.0升级至5.5(因为5.5的性能有显着提升)。届时,除了网站(不包括统计页面)和论坛外,全部停机,以便进行数据备份及程序升级。停机期间,客户端无法下载/上传任务。请大家做好准备。

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾中华电信股份有限公司 | Posted:2012-02-12 13:57 |

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