
[1.6][其他] BM 4.03問題
cvar的指令列表是 不明語言像英文 , 我要找人幫手翻譯為 中文
bm_telefrags 1 //players near teleport exit die if someone comes through bm_firedamageamount 20.0 //damage you take per half-second on the fire block bm_damageamount 5.0 //damage you take per half-second on the damage block bm_healamount 5.0 //how much hp per half-second you get on the healing block bm_invincibletime 20.0 //how long a player is invincible bm_invinciblecooldown 60.0 //time before the invincible block can be used again bm_stealthtime 20.0 //how long a player is in stealth bm_stealthcooldown 60.0 //time before the stealth block can be used again bm_gravitytime 15.0 //jak dlugo ma sie grawitacje bm_gravitycooldown 60.0 //co ile mozna wziasc grawitacje bm_camouflagetime 20.0 //how long a player is in camouflage bm_camouflagecooldown 60.0 //time before the camouflage block can be used again bm_nukecooldown 60.0 //someone might have been invincible when it was used bm_randomcooldown 30.0 //time before the random block can be used again bm_bootsofspeedtime 20.0 //how long the player has boots of speed bm_bootsofspeedcooldown 60.0 //time before boots of speed can be used again bm_scoutcooldown 99999999.0 //scout raz na runde bm_autobhoptime 20.0 //how long the player has auto bhop bm_autobhopcooldown 60.0 //time before auto bhop can be used again bm_deaglecooldown 9999.0 //raz na runde bm_awpcooldown 9999.0 //raz na runde bm_teleportsound 1 //teleporters make sound bm_granatycooldown 60.0 //co ile mozna wziasc granaty bm_smokegrenadecooldown 60.0 //co ile mozna wziasc smoke bm_hegrenadecooldown 60.0 //co ile mozna wziasc henka bm_super 5.0 //ile daje super leczenie bm_nocliptime 20.0 //ile trwa noclip bm_noclipcooldown 60.0 //co ile mozna wziasc noclip bm_m4a1cooldown 9999 //raz na runde