
一樓的大大!我看不懂 disabled-zplague.ini 再打啥= = 能請你幫我看嗎 內容是:
; - Quick tips - ; * Rename this file to disabled-zplague.ini to turn the mod off ; * Rename it back to plugins-zplague.ini to turn it on ; * Put a semi-colon in front of a plugin to disable it ; * Remove a semi-colon to re-enable a plugin ; * Add the word debug after a plugin to place it in debug mode
; Main plugin zombie_plague40.amxx
; Default zombie classes zp_zclasses40.amxx
; Add sub-plugins, custom zombie classes, and extra items here zp_extra_buy_ammo_packs.amxx zp_extra_radar.amxx
NST_Combo_Zombie.amxx NST_Damage_Fire.amxx NST_Wpn_Launcher_Rifles.amxx NST_Wpn_Launcher_Pistols.amxx zp_icon.amxx zp_icon_2.amxx