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[棒球] 旅外球星/王建民不接受台湾媒体访问 隐私权被侵犯不适
转贴自 http://news.yam.com/ettoday/sport...817197122.html








而王建民的英文公开信全文如下:「August 15, 2006

Open Letter from Chien-Ming Wang to the Taiwan Media

I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to you and all my fans for your continued support all these years. Thank you for covering my games in the United States.

I am a baseball player doing the job that I love, pursuing my childhood dream of playing in the Major Leagues. I love Taiwan and I love my entire family.

I am very disappointed about the way the Taiwanese print and television media has recently handled the personal issue about my background. The invasion of my entire familys privacy caused tremendous stress and discomfort.

Due to the stress suffered by my family in Taiwan, I have made the difficult decision of not accepting anymore interviews by member of the Taiwanese media until further notice.

I hope going forward, you will focus your coverage on my performance on the field. Please stop harassing my family members about this private issue.

I will continue to work hard to get better in the Major Leagues. I need to concentrate on helping my team to win the World Series and prepare for my next start. Thank you for your understanding.

Sincerely, Chien-Ming Wang」


是呀 要注意的是球技而不是隐私

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:局域网 | Posted:2006-08-18 08:46 |

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