
灵命日粮 - 2005年4月3日 读经: 罗马书10章11-17节
金句: 「未曾听见他,怎能信他呢?」(罗马书10章14节)
全年读经: 撒母耳记上29-31章
有一位画家受托画一幅荒废的教堂,他画的不是破旧不堪、满目疮痍的教堂,而是一座富丽堂皇的现代化教堂。从教堂的窗户望进去,可以看见一个用来装敬拜者奉献的精美盒子,上面还刻着「宣教」的字样,可悲的是盒子上却布满了蜘蛛网。 不论是教会或个人,若心灵和生命都不放在宣扬福音的事工上,就是走向毁灭之途。我们可能过度热衷于「基督徒活动」,但是如果没有推动当今上帝最重要的事工,就是误用了我们的精力。
庄稼主,求祢差工人, 赶快去收割庄嫁; 恳求垂听我众呼求, 早收禾捆归天家。Thompson
无数的人步入毁灭是因为他们未曾听过福音。 ***************************************************************************************************** Cobwebs
Read:Romans 10:11-17 How shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard. —Romans 10:14
Bible In One Year: 1 Samuel 29-31
The story is told of a painter who was commissioned to portray a run-down church. But instead of an old, tottering ruin, he painted a magnificent edifice of modern design. Through the windows could be seen an ornate collection box for the gifts of the fashionable worshipers. Above it hung a sign bearing the inscription "For Missions." Sadly, the box was covered in cobwebs.
The church or the individual whose heart and life is not involved in the worldwide proclamation of the gospel is on the way to ruin. We may be engaged in feverish "Christian activity," but our energies are misdirected if the main thrust of God's program for this age goes unattended.
God has so designed His plan of world evangelization that every believer is to be vitally involved. We all should "pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest" (Matthew 9:38).
Some will also hear His personal call to be preachers—otherwise, "how shall they hear?" (Romans 10:14).
Still others will be givers and senders, for "how shall they preach unless they are sent?" (v.15).
Let there be no cobwebs over the cause of world missions because of our lack of concern. —Paul Van Gorder
Lord of harvest, send forth reapers, Hear us, Lord, to Thee we cry; Send them now the sheaves to gather, Ere the harvest time pass by. —Thompson
Untold millions are perishing—untold.