超励志! 小丑约基奇的逆袭人生The Inspiring Journey of Nikola Jokić
The Inspiring Journey of Nikola Jokić
#国外 #时事 #人物 #运动竞技 #娱乐·新奇
12/7 生活英语
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MP3超励志! 小丑约基奇的逆袭人生The Inspiring Journey of Nikola Jokić
从小胖弟蜕变成 NBA 巨星
目录 / You Can Do This 英文试金石 / 中文翻译
人物传记 |本集 精彩教学影片(讲解老师:Chris & Antony老师)
From being overweight to becoming an NBA superstar
Nikola Jokić is one of the best basketball players in the world. The 211-cm Serbian superstar regularly dominates other players in the NBA. To fans, it may seem like basketball comes easy to Jokić, but in truth,he has put in a lot of effort to get to the top.
Jokić was born on February 19, 1995 in Serbia, a country between Central and Southern Europe. He fell in love with basketball at a young age after his brothers introduced him to the sport. Even though he was overweight and couldn’t even do a single push-up, he had a natural talent for basketball. To make up for his lack of fitness, he relied on his height and developed an incredible instinct on the court.
As he grew, Jokić perfected his game playing against older players in Serbia. His talent eventually caught the attention of NBA scouts. In 2014, he was chosen to join the Denver Nuggets. He made an immediate impact in the league and kept getting better each year. In 2021, Jokić became the first center in 21 years to win the NBA’s Most Valuable Player (MVP) award. This secured his position as one of the league’s best players.

Words in Use
introduce [͵ɪntrəˋdjus]
vt. 介绍;引进,推出(产品等)、使认识
immediate [ɪˋmidɪɪt]
a. 立刻的;最接近的,直接的
impact [ɪmˋpækt]
n. 影响,冲击(常与介词 on 并用)
vt. 对……产生影响
eventually [ɪˋvɛntʃʊəlɪ]
adv. 终究,到头来
secure [sɪˋkjʊr]
.vt. 获得;弄牢
a. 安全的
incredible [ɪnˋkrɛdəb!]
a. 难以置信的
dominate [ˋdɑmə͵net]
vt. 统治,支配;(山脉或建筑物)俯瞰、在⋯⋯中占主要地位、对⋯⋯有压倒优势
instinct [ˋɪnstɪŋkt]
n. 本性;本能;直觉
perfect [ pɚˈfɛkt ]
vt. 使完美,改善
scout [skaʊt]
vi. 侦察,寻找
n. 童子军、球探;星探
inspiring [ɪnˋspaɪrɪŋ]
a. 激励人心的,具启发性的
overweight [ˋovɚ͵wet]
a. 过重的
regularly [ˋrɛgjəlɚlɪ]
adv. 经常地
Practical Phrases
rely on... 依赖……;信赖……
= count on...
= depend on / upon...
I know he is a man I can always rely on.
introduce A to B 把 A 介绍给 B,向 B 介绍 A
The chairman introduced the speaker to the audience.
The Dutch were the first to introduce tea to Europe.
make up for 补偿/弥补⋯⋯
Ben bought Molly a box of chocolates to make up for being late.
put in... 花费⋯⋯(精力或时间)
Tim needs to put in more effort to become a better musician.
You Can Do This 英文试金石
___❶ This class aims to introduce students
___❷ Matt is a baseball scout
___❸ The company is trying to
A. find ways to perfect its system.
B. who searches for good players.
C. to the basics of science.
D. by relying on others for support.
答案:1. C 2. B 3.A
从小胖弟蜕变成 NBA 巨星
尼古拉.约基奇是世界上最优秀的篮球员之一。这位身高两百一十一公分的塞尔维亚巨星经常在 NBA 比赛中辗压全场。在球迷看来,打篮球对约基奇似乎是驾轻就熟的事,但事实上,他付出了许多努力才得以跻身顶尖之列。
约基奇于 1995 年二月十九日出生于塞尔维亚,这是一个位于中欧与南欧之间的国家。他年幼时在哥哥们带他认识篮球后就爱上了这个运动。尽管他当时体重过重,甚至连一个伏地挺身都做不了,他却有与生俱来的篮球天赋。为了弥补体能上的不足,他仰赖身高并在场上培养出惊人的直觉。
随着年龄渐长,约基奇在塞尔维亚和其他球员交手时不断完善自己的打球技巧。他的才华最终吸引了 NBA 球探的注意。2014 年,他获选加入丹佛金块队。他立即在联盟中产生影响,并每年不断进步。2021 年,约基奇成为二十一年来首位获得 NBA 最有价值球员奖( MVP)的中锋。这巩固了他作为联盟最佳球员之一的地位。