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花朵皮革成动物救星! Fleather: Using Flower Power for the Better

花朵皮革成动物救星! Fleather: Using Flower Power for the Better
Fleather: Using Flower Power for the Better
#动物 #植物 #环境·保育
7/31 生活英语
作者 Enjoy Editors
阅读时间 6分钟
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花朵皮革成动物救星! Fleather: Using Flower Power for the Better

目录 / Tips in Use 重点解析 / You Can Do This 英文试金石 / 中文翻译

A brilliant idea that kills two birds with one stone.

    An Indian start-up recently came up with a clever way to remove the flowers that are polluting the Ganges River. The company, Phool, did so by reusing the floral waste to create a new material—Fleather. Fleather is a vegan alternative to leather. It feels as smooth as lamb skin, but no animals are harmed during its production.

    Phool’s story began when its founder, Ankit Agarwal, went sightseeing along the Ganges. He noticed lots of flowers floating on top of the polluted river. The flowers were tossed there by temple visitors while worshipping gods. This sight sparked his imagination, and he came up with the idea to reuse the flowers.

    Since Phool was launched, the company has designed several products using Fleather, including wallets, sandals, and bags. To make Fleather look more like real leather, the company marks the surface with a crocodile-skin pattern. One of the best things about Fleather is that it is more than just a replacement for animal leather. The process of Fleather production also helps to make India’s rivers cleaner. Fleather is an incredible example of a company using creativity to turn waste into something valuable while making the world a better place.

Words in Use

imagination [ɪ͵mædʒəˋneʃən]

n. 想像力

replacement [rɪˋplesmənt]

n. 替代人选;替代品

worship [ˋwɝʃɪp]

n. 崇拜,信仰(上帝或神)
vt. 崇拜;信仰(上帝或神)

launch [lɔntʃ]

.vt. 发动(活动);发射(火箭、飞弹);发表(新书、新作品、新产品)
n. 发表会;(船)首次下水出航;(火箭)首次发射升空

sandal [ˋsænd!]

n. ( 一只) 凉鞋

leather [ˋlɛðɚ]

n. 皮革

pollute [pəˋlut]

vt. 污染

vegan [ˋvɛgən]
a. 纯素的
n. 严守素食主义者

reuse [͵riˋjuz]

vt. 重复使用

start-up [ˈstartˌʌp]
n. 新成立的公司

the Ganges (River)

floral [ˋflorəl]
a. 与花有关的
Practical Phrases

kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟,一举两得
Chloe killed two birds with one stone by exercising while working.


go sightseeing 去观光(游览)
Joanna and Luke love going sightseeing whenever they are on vacation.

be more than just 不只是⋯⋯
Emily is more than just a friend to me.

Tips in Use 重点解析

♦ so 作代名词的用法

1. so 可作代名词,用来代替前面句子所提到的情况、概念 或事物。

例:Tim is very friendly. He has been friendly since he was a child.

= Tim is very friendly. He has been so since he was a child.


本文第一段第二句中的 so 即为此用法,代指前一句的 remove the flowers that are polluting the Ganges River。

2. so 作代名词时,常置于及物动词 do(做)、hope(希 望)、think(认为)之后。

例:My manager thinks Lily is a good employee, but I don’t think so (= she is a good employee).


You Can Do This 英文试金石


__❶ People shouldn’t pollute

__❷ To me, my dog Max

__❸ Students should use their imagination

A. to think outside the box.

B. should find a replacement.

C. rivers with their garbage.

D. is more than just a pet.

答案:1. C 2. D 3. A



一间印度新创公司近期想出一个巧妙的方法来移除污染恒河的花 朵。这家名为 Phool 的公司透过重新利用花卉废料来创造一种新的材 料 ── Fleather(编按:此字是由 flower 与 leather 结合而成)── 以达成此举。Fleather 是一种纯素的皮革替代品。它摸起来像羊皮一 样光滑,但制作过程中没有任何动物受到伤害。

Phool 的故事始于其创办人安基特.阿加瓦尔沿着恒河观光。他 注意到这条被污染的河流上漂着许多鲜花。这些花是参拜寺庙的人敬 拜神明时扔弃在此的。这景象激发了他的想像力,他萌生了重新利用 花朵的想法。

自从 Phool 成立以来,该公司已利用 Fleather 设计出许多产 品,包含钱包、凉鞋和包袋。为了使 Fleather 看起来更像真皮,该 公司会在表面上印鳄鱼皮纹路。Fleather 最棒的优点之一是它不仅是 动物皮革的替代品。制作 Fleather 的过程也有助于使印度的河流更干 净。Fleather 是个绝佳例子,展现一间公司利用创意将废物化为有价 值的东西,同时也使世界更加美好。

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献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾亚太线上服务股份有限公司 | Posted:2023-07-31 11:17 |

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