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研究说:开灯睡觉伤身体 Shedding Some Light on an Important Aspect of Sl

研究说:开灯睡觉伤身体 Shedding Some Light on an Important Aspect of Sleep
Shedding Some Light on an Important Aspect of Sleep
1/3 解析英语
作者 Brian Foden
阅读时间 8分钟
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研究说:开灯睡觉伤身体 Shedding Some Light on an Important Aspect of Sleep

目录 / More to Learn / 中文翻译(& 答案)

      Alot of focus has been directed at the importance of getting around eight hours of sufficient sleep per night for the average person, though young children need more and the elderly generally require less. Another aspect—one that receives less attention from the public—is the quality of one’s sleep and the impact that it has on physical health. A recent study by researchers at the Center for Circadian and Sleep Medicine at Northwestern University in the United States has cast some light on this issue.

      The sleep experts at Northwestern University conducted experiments involving two groups of young adults, hooking them up to heart monitors to see how varying levels of light in a room at night affected their physiological states. The results suggested that the intensity of light present in one’s bedroom has detrimental implications for cardiovascular and metabolic health.

      In the study, one group of subjects slept in a room that was lit only by dull light for two nights. The other 10 individuals slept one night under the same type of light and the second night in a room with a brighter light placed overhead. In addition to monitoring their hearts, researchers recorded the sleepers’ brainwaves and drew their blood. The group that had slept under a brighter light on the second night showed elevated heart rates during that time. Their bodies also showed increased insulin resistance, meaning they had trouble regulating their blood sugar levels.

      The study suggests that the presence of light in a room while one is sleeping may have an adverse influence on health. Therefore, to ensure a good night’s sleep, you can start by creating a bedroom that guards against unwanted light at night.


1. What do the results of the research from Northwestern University indicate?

(A) Leaving a soft light on in a room can promote sleep.

(B) Sleeping in a completely dark room can affect one’s mental health.

(C) Illumination in a room at night can disturb blood sugar regulation.

(D) Exposure to artificial light at night can cause people to have nightmares.

2. Which of the following is closest in meaning to “detrimental” in the second paragraph?

(A) False. (B) Harmful.(C) Contagious. (D) Psychological.

3. According to the passage, who is most likely a participant in the experiment mentioned in the passage?


The researchers asked me to write down what I felt after I slept with a light on.


The doctors got me to sleep with a bedside table lamp on and kept track of my brainwaves.


The scientists measured my weight before I slept in their lab. While I was sleeping, they monitored my heart rate.


The experts had me sleep under a dim light on the first night. On the second night, however, I stayed in a much brighter room.

(A) David. (B) Pauline. (C) Kevin. (D) Fannie.

答案: 1.C 2.B 3.D

Words in Use

aspect [ˋæspɛkt]

n. 方面

implication [͵ɪmplɪˋkeʃən]

n. 暗示

impact [ɪmˋpækt]

n. 影响,冲击(常与介词 on 并用)
vt. 对……产生影响

intensity [ɪnˋtɛnsətɪ]

n. 强度;热切

resistance [rɪˋzɪstəns]

n. 抗拒;(身体的)抵抗力

regulate [ˋrɛgjə͵let]

.vt. 规范;调节,调整

hook [hʊk]

n. 钩子
vt. 钩住;用钩(钓鱼);(手臂等)绕住

monitor [ˋmɑnətɚ]

.vt. & vi. 监视
n. 监视器;萤幕

overhead [ˋovɚˋhɛd]

adv. 在高空中
a. 头顶上的

adverse [ædˋvɝs]

a. 不利的,负面的

sufficient [səˋfɪʃənt]

a. 足够的,充分的

conduct [ˋkɑndʌkt]

n. 行为(不可数)

detrimental [dɛtrəˋmɛnt!]
a. 有害的

insulin [ˋɪnsəlɪn]
n. 胰岛素

elevated [ˋɛlə͵vetɪd]


brainwave [ˋbrenwev]
n. 脑波

illumination [ɪ͵ljuməˋneʃən]

n. 照明,光亮

metabolic [͵mɛtəˋbɑlɪk]
a. 新陈代谢的

cardiovascular cardiovascular
a. 心血管的

physiological [͵fɪzɪəˋlɑdʒɪk!]
a. 生理(学)的

circadian [sɚˋkedɪən]
a. 昼夜节律的,生理时钟的(仅置于名词前)
Practical Phrases

guard against... 防止……
Guard against pickpockets when you are shopping
in the mall.

keep track of... 随时掌握……,持续追踪……
It’s hard to keep track of all my old friends; in fact, I’ve lost contact with most of them.

be directed at (注意力、情绪等)指向⋯⋯
Criticism has been directed at the president, who didn’t respond to the crisis immediately.


hook sb up to 在某人身上接上⋯⋯(仪器等)
Doctors hooked the severely injured patient up to a life-support machine.


The unconscious woman was hooked up to a respirator.


More to Learn

shed / cast / throw light on...

• Researchers developed a theory to shed light on the psychological phenomenon.


以下介绍其他与 light 搭配的片语:

a. bring... to light 使⋯⋯公开

• A former employee brought the firm’s scandal to light by reporting it to the police.


b. come to light 被揭露出来,真相大白

• People were furious when it came to light that kids were mistreated at the school.


c. in (the) light of... 有鉴于/考虑到⋯⋯

• The government has urged people to use forms of transportation other than trains in light of the strike.


d. in a new / different / bad /... light 以崭新/不同/不好/⋯⋯的方式/眼光/角度

• If you see things in a different light, you may draw a different conclusion.


中文翻译(& 答案)

许多关注都导向一般人每晚要获取约八小时 充足睡眠的重要性,尽管幼童需要的睡眠更多, 长辈则通常需要较少睡眠。另一个面向 ── 大 众不太注重的方面 ── 是睡眠品质及其对身体 健康的影响。美国西北大学昼夜节律暨睡眠医学 中心的研究人员最近的一项研究让人们对这个议 题有所了解。

西北大学的睡眠专家进行了有两组年轻人参 与的实验,专家将心脏监测仪接到他们身上,以 了解夜间房内不同亮度的光线如何影响他们的生 理状态。结果显示卧室的强光会对心血管和新陈 代谢的健康产生有害的影响。

在这项研究中,一组受试者在一间只有昏暗 光线的房里睡了两晚。其余十人在同样的灯光下 睡了一晚,第二晚则在一间头顶上方摆设着较亮 灯具的房里睡觉。除了监测他们的心脏外,研究 人员还记录了睡眠者的脑波和抽血。第二晚在较 亮灯光下睡觉的那组人在那段期间心率偏高。他 们的身体也显现了胰岛素阻抗增加的现象,这意 味着他们难以调节血糖。

该项研究显示睡觉时,房里有光线可能会 对健康产生负面影响。因此,为了确保一夜好 眠,你可以从打造一间防堵夜间非必要光线的 卧室开始。

1. 西北大学的研究结果说明了什么?

(A) 在房里留一盏柔和光线可以促进睡眠。

(B) 在全黑的房里睡觉会影响一个人的心理健康。

(C) 夜间房内的照会扰乱血糖的调节。

(D) 夜晚暴露于人造光会导致人们做恶梦。

2. 以下哪一项与第二段 “detrimental” 的含义最接近?

(A) 错误的。

(B) 有害的。

(C) 传染性的。

(D) 心理上的。

3. 根据本文,谁最有可能是文中提及实验的参与者?



医师让我睡在一盏开着的床边桌灯旁,并记录我的脑 波。


科学家先测量我的体重,接着我睡在他们的实验室里。 我在睡觉时,他们监测我的心率。


专家要我头一晚睡在昏暗的灯光下。而第二晚我待在一 个更为明亮的房里。

(A) 大卫。

(B) 宝琳。

(C) 凯文。

(D) 芬妮。

题解: 本文第三段提及一组受试者两晚都睡在光线昏暗的房里,另一组受试者则在同样的灯光下睡了一晚,第二晚则在一 间头顶上方摆设着较亮灯具的房里睡觉,后者符合芬妮的 叙述,故选 (D)。

[ 此文章被ensan256在2023-01-03 22:14重新编辑 ]

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾亚太线上服务股份有限公司 | Posted:2023-01-03 22:08 |

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