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[1.6][插件] 求帮插件分离  (部分跳跃插件萃取)



但是插件事之前的      uq_jumpstats_2.37

没有 CJ After Jump DCJ After Jump  MCJ After Jump...等跳越插件

但是我有  ProKreedz 2.27  这套插件

里面有  CJ After Jump DCJ After Jump  MCJ After Jump...等跳越插件


我想要把  ProKreedz 2.27   里面  CJ After Jump DCJ After Jump  MCJ After Jump...等跳越插件分出来



如果成功..  我会另给酬劳..  8591之类的吧..

ProKreedz 2.27.zip : http://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?s=dbaa2e2dab1...hmentid=86432&d=1305931963

ProKreedz 2.27 SQL.zip : http://forums.alliedmods.net/attachment.php?s=dbaa2e2dab1...hmentid=89102&d=1311022363


ProKreedz v2.27b
(Normal & SQL Top versions)
by nucLeaR

Current Version: 2.27 - 22.04.2011

- kz_checkpoints <0/1> - Allows Checkpoints creation
- kz_cheatdetect <0/1> - Detects usage of noclip,hook and so to reset time
- kz_spawn_mainmenu <0/1> - Brings up Main Menu when player spawns
- kz_show_timer <0/1> - Shows timer on HUD (mm:ss)
- kz_chatorhud <0/1/2> - For CP, GC messages. 2 for HUD, 1for chat, 0 for none
- kz_hud_color <r g b> - red , green , blue with values <0-255>
- kz_other_weapons <0/1> - Allow /weapon command to spawn all the weapons
- kz_hook_prize <0/1> - Gives hook to each player that finishs the map
- kz_hook_sound <0/1> - Enables or disables the hook sound
- kz_hook_speed <speed> - Sets the hook speed. Default: 300.0
- kz_drop_weapons <0/1> - Allows players to drop weapons
- kz_remove_drops <0/1> - Remove dropped items (to avoid abusing/cheating)
- kz_use_radio <0/1> - Allows players to use radio
- kz_nvg <0/1> - Allows players to use Night Vision
- kz_nvg_colors <r g b> - red , green , blue - For Night Vision color
- kz_pause <0/1> - Allows players to use pauses during a climb
- kz_vip <0/1> - Either show or not VIP tag for admins in showscores
- kz_showkeys <0/1> - Enable or not the possibility you can see your keys and/or the players' you are spectating
- kz_semiclip <0/1> - Enable or not the semiclip (not only transparency)
- kz_respawn_ct <0/1> - Respawns CTs if they die
- kz_strip_other_weapons <0/1> - Strips or not different than USP and Knife when starting the time
- kz_spec_saves <0/1> - Saves the location where the player goes spec (and moves to it when you go CT again) and pauses your time (if it's started)
- kz_save_autostart <0/1> - Saves the last location when a player started his time and teleports him to that exact spot when he's typing /start
- kz_top15_authid <0/1> - 0 for Top sort by names (used mostly for non-steam servers), 1 for sorting by authid (aka steam id)

SQL Top CVars: (Add those CVars into kreedz.cfg for prokreedz_sql)
- kz_sql_host "IP of the host"
- kz_sql_files "IP of the domain you have the php files on (usually same with host IP)
- kz_sql_user "username"
- kz_sql_pass "password"
- kz_sql_db = "DB name"
- kz_sql_name = "Server Name"

PS: kz_sql_host is for the DB location and kz_sql_files is where the PHP files are (eg: if you put the php files in /www/top15, change in kz_sql_files "Ip of the host/top15".

Installation of SQL Version
Copy the CVars above in kreedz.cfg
- Make a DB called top15 (or the name you put for kz_sql_db)
- Download and put the PHP files into your webserver
- Open the PHP files and complete with username & password where needed

You can only use KZ-Arg's Pro15 SQL. If you want to use the old top, delete kz_nub15.

Players commands:
- /cp, /checkpoint - Creates a Checkpoint
- /tp, /teleport, /gc , /gocheck - Teleports you to the last Checkpoint
- /stuck, /unstuck - Teleports you to the last but not last Checkpoint\
- /top15, /pro15, /nub15 - Opens up Top15 menu(for first) or the respective top
- /reset - Resets time/checkpoints/gochecks
- /start - Moves you to start position
- /menu, /kz - Opens KZ Menu (Main menu)
- /ct, /spec - Moves you to spectator respective CT
- /pause - Pauses your time, only if the timer is started
- /weapons - Gives you other weapons, only if the timer is not started
- /scout, /usp, /knife - Gives you scout/usp&knife (works if the timer is enabled too!)
- /timer - Enables/Disables the HUD Timer
- /invis,/winvis,/pinivis - First opens Invis menu, seconds makes water invisible, third makes only players invisible
- /noclip - Gives you noclip and resets your time (if it's started)
- /god - Gives you god mode and resets your time (if it's started)

Admins commands:
- /public, /pub - Loads Kreedz.cfg
- /setstart - Sets (or changes if it already exists) the start position
- /delstart - Deletes the start position

If you want to record demos, you must use prokreedz_demo plugin (included in archive).
- /demo or /legal to set up legal settings (only CVars for prokreedz plugin, not mpbhop or others)
- /pub or /public- executes kreedz.cfg (if it doesn't exist it loads the CVars directly)

如需进一步连络  即时:b831003ge


献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾中华电信股份有限公司 | Posted:2011-11-27 12:12 |

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