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[学习] 重要节庆专有名词  (在别家找到的,我觉得很有帮助喔)
中国节日及纪念日(Chinese Festivals and Commemorative Dates)
1/1 开国纪念日 (元旦) kai-guo2-ji4-nian4-ri4(yuan2-dan4) Founding Anniversary of the Republic of China
1/1 (农) *农历春节 nong2-li4-chun-jie2 Spring Festival
Chinese New Year
1/15 (农) *元宵节 yuan2-xian-jie2 Lantern Festival
2/28 和平纪念日 he2-ping2-ji4-nian4-ri4 Peace Day
4/4 妇幼节 fu4-you4-jie2 Women & Children’s Day
4/5 清明节 qing-ming2-jie2 Tomb Sweeping Day
5/1 劳动节 lao2-dong4-jie2 Labor Day
五月第二个星期日 母亲节 mu3-qin-jie2 Mother’s Day
5/5 (农) *端午节 duan-wu3-jie2
诗人节 shi-ren2-jie2 Dragon Boat Festival
Poet’s Day
8/8 父亲节 fu4-qin-jie2 Father’s Day
7/7 (农) *七夕(中国情人节) qi-xi4 Seventh Night of the Seventh Lunar Month
Chinese Valentine’s Day
7/15 (农) *中元节 zhong-yuan2-jie2 Ghost Festival
8/15 (农) *中秋节 zhong-qiu-jie2 Mid-Autumn (Moon) Festival
9/28 教师节 jiao4-shi-jie2 Teacher’s Day
(Confucius’ Birthday)
10/10 双十节 shuang-shi2-jie2 Double Tenth Day
9/9 (农) *重阳节 chong2-yang2-jie2
敬老节jing4-lao3-jie2 Double Ninth Day
(The Elder Day)
10/25 光复节 guang-fu4-jie2 Taiwan Restoration Day
12/25 行宪纪念日 xing2-xian4-ji4-nian4-ri4 Constitution Day
12/30 (农) *除夕 chu2-xi4 New Year’s Eve
* These festivals occur on fixed dates in the lunar calendar in Taiwan.
一般节日、纪念日(General Commemorative Dates)
节庆 jie2-qing4 Festival
花季 hua-ji4 Flower season
纪念日 ji4-nian4-ri4 Memorial
国定假日 quo2-ding4-jia4-ri4 Statutory (legal) holiday
新年 xin-nian2 The New Year

中国节日用语(Special Wordings on Holidays)
月饼 yue4-bing3 Moon-cake
元宵(汤圆) yuan2-xiao (tang-yuan2) Full-moon dumplings
(rice balls)
年糕 nian2-gao New Year cake
长生果 chang2-sheng-guo3 Longevity nuts
迎春 ying2-chun Greeting spring
花灯 hua-deng Decorated (flower-painted) lantern
红包 hong2-bao A gift of money (Lucky money with red envelope)
拜拜 bai4-bai4 A Taiwan custom in which gods are worshipped and ancestors are celebrated
春联 chun-lian2 Spring couplets; lucky inscriptions
财神 cai2-shen2 God of wealth
扫墓 sao2-mu4 To sweep the tomb of one’s ancestors
福 fu2 Good luck
禄 lu4 Rank & wealth
寿 shou4 Health; longevity
喜 xi3 Happiness
粽子 zong4-zi Glutinous rice filled with meat, nuts or beans and wrapped in bamboo leaves
舞龙 wu5-long2 Dragon dance
龙舟竞赛 long2-zhou-jing4-sai4 Dragon boat race
压岁钱 ya-sui4-qian2 Lucky money
爆竹(鞭炮) bao4-zhu2 (bian-pao4) firecrackers

节气(中国农业社会的廿四节气 Chinese 24 Solar Periods of the Year)
立春 li4-chun Spring begins
雨水 yu3-shui3 The rains
惊蛰 jing-zhi2 Insects awaken
春分 chun-fen Vernal equinox
清明 qing-ming2 Clear and bright
谷雨 gu3-yu3 Grain rain
立夏 li4-xia4 Summer begins
小满 xiao3-man3 Grain buds
芒种 mang2-zhong4 Grain in ear
夏至 xia4-zhi4 Summer solstice
小暑 xiao3-xhu3 Slight heat
大暑 da4-shu3 Great heat
立秋 li4-qiu Autumn begins
处暑 chu3-shu3 Heat stoppage
白露 bai2-lu4 White dew
秋分 qiu-fen Autumnal equinox
寒露 han2-lu4 Cold dew
霜降 shuang-jiang4 Hoarfrost falls
立冬 li4-dong Winter begins
小雪 xiao3-wue3 Light snow
大雪 da4-xue3 Heavy snow
冬至 dong-zhi4 Winter solstice
小寒 xiao3-han2 Slight cold
大寒 da4-han2 Great cold


献花 x1 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:欧洲 | Posted:2009-10-07 21:32 |

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