
[小品] Gods Boxes兩個盒子
你手上有幾個盒子,你有沒有這兩個很棒的盒子? 不管金盒子或是黑盒子都是上帝的恩典與慈愛喔.....
God's Boxes兩個盒子
I have in my hands two boxes, 我手上有兩個盒子
Which God gave me to hold. 都是上帝給的
He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box, 祂說把悲傷放在黑盒子裡
And all your joys in the gold." 把快樂放在金盒子裡
I heeded His words, and in the two boxes, 我聽了祂的話
Both my joys and sorrows I stored, 把快樂和悲傷分別裝進兩個盒子裡
But though the gold became heavier each day, 不過. 金盒子每天都有加重
The black was as light as before. 但黑盒子卻依舊輕省 With curiosity, I opened the black, 我感到很好奇就打開黑盒子
I wanted to find out why, 想要一探究竟
And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole, 結果我在盒子底下發現一個洞
Which my sorrows had fallen out by. 我的悲傷都從那邊漏出去了
I showed the hole to God, and mused, 我把那個洞指給上帝看感到納悶
"I wonder where my sorrows could be!" 我不知道我的悲傷哪裡去了
He smiled a gentle smile and said, 祂輕輕地微笑說
"My child, they're all here with me." 我的孩子.它們都在我這兒呢
I asked God, why He gave me the boxes, 我問上帝為什麼祂要給我兩個盒子
Why the gold and the black with the hole? 為什麼一個金色的 一個黑色卻漏底的
"My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings, 我的孩子金盒子是要給你數算你的幸福的
The black is for you to let go." 黑盒子是要給你放下的
人生不如意事...十之八九... 學會放下不愉快的事... 才能使人生更有意義...