
[遊戲心得] 4章貴族技能
* Fortune of Noblesse: Blesses the party with a fortune that reduces their chance of dropping items when dying to a raid boss. Uses 275 MP. 貴族的幸運: 加持隊友讓他們被守獵頭目打死時的噴裝率降低, 耗275MP
* Blessing of Noblesse: Allows target to retain buffs upon death. However, Bless of Noblesse and Fortune status disappear. Uses 5 spirit ore.
貴族的祝福: 讓目標死後能夠維持他的輔助魔法, 不過貴族的幸運跟祝福會消失, 耗5個魔精石
* Symphony of Noblesse: Draws from the power of 8 forces to launch a strong AoE attack. Uses 80 MP.
貴族交響率: 召引8種力量來發起一個強力群體攻擊, 耗80MP
* Harmony of Noblesse: Draws from the power of 4 elemetns to launch a strong AoE attack. Uses 50 MP.
貴族的和聲: 召引4種元術來發起一個強力群體攻擊, 耗50MP
* Strider Siege Assault: Strider performs strong attack on Castle door, wall. Can only be used when on a stired. Power 5627.
座龍攻城之擊: 座龍對城門/城牆發動一個強力攻擊, 只能在移動(?)時使用, 威力5627
* Summon CP Potion: Summons 20 CP postions. Uses 40 soul ore.
召換CP藥水, 召換20瓶CP藥水, 需要40個魔精石
* Build Advanced Headquarters: Builds headquarters with 2x HP in siege. Advanced Headquarters also heal friendly members and applies damage to enemies. Uses 300 C Grade gemstones.
建照先進總部: 在攻城時建照兩倍血量的總部, 先進總部能補友善的成員, 跟對敵人照成傷害
* Noblesses get added selection to places they can port to at the gatekeeper, including all Catacombs and Necropoli as well as floors 3,5,7,10,13 of ToI.
貴族使用傳送師時能有更多的傳送選項, 包跨所有的墓地跟澳塔3,5,7,10,13樓
* Noblesses receive a Noblesse Tiara upon finishing their Noblesse quest.