
[励志] 伤痛与聆听
当遭遇极深的悲痛或困境时,若有人告诉我们从逆境中可得着祝福,我们可能会感到生气。假使有人好意劝告说要相信上帝的应许,我们可能也会认为他太不近人情,甚至不切实际。 当上帝正准备要救以色列人出埃及时,以色列的子民就是这样的反应。上帝命令法老要让祂的百姓离去,法老却硬着心,增加希伯来奴隶的工作量,逼他们捡拾做砖所需要的草料(出埃及记5章10-11节),这使以色列人气馁极了。尽管摩西向他们保证上帝已经听到他们的哀号,并且应许要带领他们得地为业,但他们却无法接受(6章9节)。
祂关心---我知祂关心! 当我心悲伤,触动祂心; 当白日疲惫、长夜凄凉, 我知道我救主确实关心。Graeff
即使感受不到上帝的存在,祂那慈爱眷顾依然包围着我们。 ******************************************************************************************************** Hurting And Hearing
Read:Exodus 6:1-9 I have surely seen the oppression of My people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry. —Exodus 3:7
Bible In One Year: Psalm 34-36
When we are experiencing deep sorrow or difficult circumstances, we may feel offended if someone suggests that something good can emerge from our adversity. A well-meaning person who tries to encourage us to trust God's promises may be perceived as insensitive or even unrealistic.
That happened to the children of Israel when God was working for their deliverance from Egypt. As Pharaoh hardened his heart toward the Lord's command to let His people go, he increased the Hebrew slaves' workload by forcing them to gather the straw they needed to make bricks (Exodus 5:10-11). They became so discouraged, they couldn't accept Moses' assurance that God had heard their cries and promised to take them to a land of their own (6:9).
There are times when our hurts and fears can close our ears to the hopeful words of God. But the Lord doesn't stop speaking to us when it's hard for us to hear. He continues working on our behalf just as He did in delivering His people from Egypt.
As we experience God's compassion and His loving care, we can begin to hear again even as the hurt continues to heal. —David McCasland
O yes, He cares—I know He cares! His heart is touched with my grief; When the days are weary, the long nights dreary, I know my Savior cares. —Graeff
Even when we don't sense God's presence, His loving care is all around us.
******************************************************************************** 这是我的身体,为你们舍的,你们应当如此行,为的是记念我。路加22:19