
灵命日粮 - 2005年4月14日 读经: 以赛亚书53章4-10节
金句: 「他为我们的过犯受害。」(以赛亚书53章5节)
全年读经: 诗篇10-12篇
痛!那是悲惨、可怕又极其痛苦的痛。那是毫不留情、无法忍受和难以言喻的痛,正是耶稣承受着鞭子打在祂的背上,忍着肌肉被烧伤般的疼痛,一步一步地走上各各他山顶。这就是救主为了我们的罪所受的刑罚。 在这个粉饰太平的世界,我们经常觉得罪不是什么了不起的事。毕竟,我们所犯的罪并非滔天大罪。如果我们只是说了一些小谎或做出一点欺骗,又有什么伤害呢?如果我们只是饶舌一些或只是说了几句粗鲁的话,又会伤害到谁呢?这点小罪算什么呢?
看,从祂的头、手到脚, 所流露出的都夹杂着悲伤与爱; 那种悲伤与爱有交集吗?
还是荆棘使得皇冠更丰富?Watts **************************************************************************************************** Why Is Sin So Bad?
Read:Isaiah 53:4-10 He was wounded for our transgressions. —Isaiah 53:5
Bible In One Year: Psalm 10-12
Pain. Abject, horrible, excruciating pain. Unrelenting, unbearable, unspeakable pain. With each slash across Jesus' back and with every muscle-burning step up Golgotha's hill, our Savior received the punishment for our sin.
In our let's-make-everything-okay world we often look at sin and wonder, what's the big deal? After all, our sin isn't so bad. If we lie a little or cheat just a bit—what's the harm? If we gossip some or use coarse language a few times—whom will it hurt? What's so bad about sin?
It's bad because of what it put Jesus through. Yes, our sin was the reason for the torment Jesus suffered as He made His way to the cross—and as He hung on that cross and ultimately died a horrific death.
Of course we can never undo what has been done; that pain can never be reversed. Yet we must understand that if we continue to sin knowingly, we are in effect turning our back on Jesus and His pain. It's as if we're saying that it doesn't matter to us what we put Jesus through, we're going to do what we want. To sin in the light of the cross is to tell Jesus that even His intense suffering has not taught us about the awfulness of sin.
Why is sin so bad? Look what it did to Jesus. —Dave Branon
See, from His head, His hands, His feet, Sorrow and love flow mingled down; Did e'er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown? —Watts
Jesus took our sin so that we might have His salvation.