
靈命日糧 - 2005年4月4日 讀經: 箴言8章12-21節
金句: 「智慧人在哪裏?文士在哪裏?這世上的辯士在哪裏?上帝豈不是叫這世上的智慧變成愚拙嗎?」(哥林多前書1章20節)
全年讀經: 撒母耳記下1-4章
我們視聖經為珍寶,它是上帝啟示的真理,教導我們在世上多結生命的果子,並引領我們在將來得永生。實際上,它是智慧的來源,遠勝過最聰明的哲學家(哥林多前書1章20節)。只是這個事實在我們的文化中很少被認知。 所以我很高興讀到《紐約時報》專欄作家大衛.布魯克(David Brooks)讚揚聖經智慧的文章,他讚美金恩博士(Martin Luther King Jr.)從聖經看到了人類的本性,覺得金恩博士「比他世俗的自由主義盟友,更具有敏銳的政治現實感,因為他對於人類本性的認知,是來自聖經的智慧。宗教不只讓人權領袖更剛強,而且使他們更有智慧。」布魯克更進一步提到:「聖經的睿智比世俗的社會科學更有深度,亦更準確。」
聖經是上帝給我們的話語, 雖年代久遠,卻歷久彌新; 若仔細閱讀,你將會發現: 上帝的智慧充滿字裡行間。Sper
聖經一項真理的價值,超過人類的全部智慧。 ****************************************************************************************************** The Wisdom In God's Word
Read:Proverbs 8:12-21 Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? . . . Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world. —1 Corinthians 1:20
Bible In One Year: 2 Samuel 1-4
We treasure Scripture. It's God's inspired Word, and it teaches us the way to abundant life in this world and eternal life in the world to come. Indeed, it is the source of a wisdom that goes beyond that of the wisest philosophers (1 Corinthians 1:20). But this fact is rarely acknowledged in our culture.
So I was glad to read an article by The New York Times columnist David Brooks extolling biblical wisdom. He praised Martin Luther King Jr. for insight into human nature derived from Scripture. He felt that King "had a more accurate view of political realities than his more secular liberal allies because he could draw on biblical wisdom about human nature. Religion didn't just make civil rights leaders stronger—it made them smarter." And Brooks said further: "Biblical wisdom is deeper and more accurate than the wisdom offered by the secular social sciences."
Are we drawing on that source of wisdom in our own lives? We need Scripture's wisdom to deal with our personal problems and political issues. If we study and obey the Bible, we will be able to humbly testify with the psalmist, "I have more understanding than all my teachers, for Your testimonies are my meditation" (Psalm 119:99). —Vernon Grounds
The Bible is God's Word to us, Still fresh through all the ages; And if we read it we will find God's wisdom on its pages. —Sper
One truth from the Bible is worth more than all the wisdom of man.