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搞怪討糖甜翻萬聖節 The Sweet Side of Halloween
The Sweet Side of Halloween
#節日 #飲食 #娛樂·新奇
10/30 生活英語
作者 Enjoy Editors
閱讀時間 4分鐘
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搞怪討糖甜翻萬聖節 The Sweet Side of Halloween

目錄 / Tips in Use 重點解析 / You Can Do This 英文試金石 / 中文翻譯
生活快遞 |本篇為「Premium文章」想看完整文章請訂閱 IVY Engrest!|本集 精彩教學影片(講解老師:Stephen & Bernice 老師)

Trick-or-treating through the ages

  For 364 days a year, children are told not to take sweets from strangers. However, on one special day every year, they are encouraged to ask for candy from people they’ve never met. The reason for this odd behavior is that it’s Halloween, a time when people go trick-or-treating.

  Trick-or-treating started in Europe about 2,000 years ago to celebrate and honor the dead, who were believed to walk the Earth on October 31. Poor children would go “souling” and knock on doors to say prayers for those who had recently died. In return, they were given money and food. To avoid being recognized by ghosts, they painted their faces and wore old clothes.

  In Scotland and Ireland, children would sing, tell jokes, and perform tricks instead of offering prayers. The children were rewarded with nuts, fruit, and cakes. In the late 19th century, Scottish and Irish immigrants brought these traditions with them to America. In the 1920s, pranksters played alarming “tricks” on houses to make it look like ghosts were causing trouble. Some people chose to offer these pranksters treats as a way to protect their homes. This practice is likely where the phrase “trick-or-treat” came from.

Words in Use

stranger [ˋstrendʒɚ]

n. 陌生人

encourage [ɪnˋkɝɪdʒ]

vt. 鼓勵;助長,促進

odd [ɑd]

a. 奇怪的;奇數的;不成對的

avoid [əˋvɔɪd]

vt. 避免;避開

perform [pɚˋfɔrm]

vt. 執行;履行
vi. 表演;表現

alarming [əˋlɑrmɪŋ]

a. 引起恐慌的;令人擔憂的
Extra Words

reward [rɪˋwɔrd]

n. 報答,報償
vt. 報答,獎賞

immigrant [ˋɪməgrənt]
n. (移入的)移民
Practical Phrases

be encouraged to V 被鼓勵(做)⋯⋯

in return 回報
Daisy helped the poor without asking for anything in return.

cause trouble 惹麻煩
The rules are meant to keep students from causing trouble.

Tips in Use 重點解析

♦ 表示「……的原因是……」的用法


The reason (for...) + is + that 子句


the reason (for...) 為上述句型的主詞,is 是動詞,因此其後接 that 引導的名詞子句作主詞補語。

例 The reason for the meeting is that we need to discuss the project.


在現代英美人士的用法中,則常用 because 取代 that,這種用法就嚴謹的文法來看是不正確的,因為 because 引導的是副詞子句,相當於副詞,而 be 動詞之後只可接名詞或名詞子句作補語。
★ 補充用法

the reason 後也可接關係副詞 why 引導的副詞子句,其中 why 可省略,句型如下:

the reason (why) + S + V + is + that 子句

例 The reason (why) all stores are closed is that today is a public holiday.


You Can Do This 英文試金石


❶ How does the writer begin the article?

(A) By questioning the purpose of going trick-or-treating on Halloween.

(B) By explaining why people ask for treats on Halloween.

(C) By proposing a fun activity that can only be done on Halloween.

(D) By stating how Halloween is different from other days of the year.

❷ Which of the following does NOT happen when children go “souling”?

(A) Saying prayers for the dead.

(B) Knocking on people’s doors.

(C) Handing out treats to people.

(D) Receiving money and food.

答案: 1. D   2. C




  「不給糖就搗蛋」源自於大約兩千年前的歐洲,旨在頌揚並紀念亡者,據信祂們會在十月三十一日來到世間遊走。貧窮的孩童會從事 souling,敲門拜訪並為近期去世的人祈禱。他們會得到錢和食物作為回報。為了避免被鬼魂認出,他們會將臉塗上顏色並穿上舊衣。

  在蘇格蘭和愛爾蘭,兒童會唱歌、說笑話以及表演把戲而非禱告。孩子們會獲得堅果、水果和蛋糕作為獎勵。在十九世紀末期,蘇格蘭和愛爾蘭移民將這些傳統帶到美國。在 1920 年代,喜歡搗蛋的人們對房屋做出令人驚擾的「惡作劇」,使其看起來像是鬼魂在製造麻煩。有些人選擇給這些惡作劇者甜食作為保護他們家的方式。這種作為很可能是「不給糖就搗蛋」這個說詞的由來。

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