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拯救生命的歌 The Song That Saves Lives

拯救生命的歌 The Song That Saves Lives
The Song That Saves Lives

作者 Nick Roden
拯救生命的歌 The Song That Saves Lives
正是这直接了当的诚实让「1-800-273-8255」拯救了 许许多多年轻人的宝贵生命。


    As song titles go, “1-800-273-8255” is not the catchiest in the world. Performed by the US rapper Logic, along with Alessia Cara and Khalid, the song is about a man calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline —the phone number of the title. “I don’t wanna be alive,” sings Logic, __1__ Cara responds that he should try to see “light in the darkest things.” The dark subject matter did not stop the song from __2__. It peaked at number three in the US charts in 2017 and even received Grammy Award nominations. However, it is the song’s role in saving multiple lives that has made it truly remarkable.

    According to CNN, calls to the suicide helpline increased by half following Logic’s performance of the tune at the MTV Video Music Awards in 2017. Furthermore, a study in The British Medical Journal shows that teen suicides decreased by more than five percent in the month following the song’s __3__. This pattern was repeated after the previously mentioned MTV performance and after another performance at the Grammys the following year. According to the study, 245 suicides were __4__ during those time periods.

    Logic himself once struggled with depression, an experience he used to make the lyrics and the song more real and __5__. “I think honesty is everything,” he told CNN. And it is this brutal honesty that has helped “1-800-273-8255” save many precious young lives.

1. (A) by whom (B) to which (C) in what (D) at that
2.(A) getting into trouble (B) being harshly criticized (C) driving people crazy (D) becoming enormously successful
3.(A) release (B) creation (C) lesson (D) strategy
4.(A) attempted (B) announced (C) protected (D) prevented
5.(A) technical (B) humorous (C) relatable (D) peaceful

答案:   1.   B   2.   D   3.   A   4.   D   5.   C

目录 / Tips & Analysis / More to Learn / 中文翻译

Tips & Analysis

1. “I don’t wanna be alive,” sings Logic, to which Cara responds that he should try to see “light in the darkest things.”


a. 本题测试 “介词 + which” 的用法:

which 是用以代替事物的关系代名词,使用时须遵 守下列原则:

1) 关系代名词之前要有先行词(即名词);

2) 该关系代名词所引导的名词要作形容词子句中的 主词或受词;

3) 否则该关系代名词之前一定要有介词,该介词有时亦可移至形容词子句句尾。若关系代名词省略时,则该介词一定要置于句尾。

• The book for which you are looking is on that table.


b. 本题空格后为一完整子句,根据上述,可知应置入 “介词 + which” 以修饰先行词 “I don’t wanna be alive”(歌词:「我不想活了」),而空格后子句的 动词为 responds(回应),可知应使用介词 to 作 搭配,故答案选 (B) to which。

2. The dark subject matter did not stop the song from becoming enormously successful.


a. (A) get into trouble 陷入麻烦

• If you don’t stop talking in class, you’ll get into trouble.


(B) 被严厉批评

harshly [ˋhɑrʃlɪ] adv. 严厉地

criticize [ˋkrɪtɪ͵saɪz] vt. 批评

• The mayor was harshly criticized by the press for abusing his power.


(C) 令人们抓狂
drive sb crazy 令某人抓狂

• The little kid’s endless questions are driving Andy crazy.


(D) 变得极为成功

enormously [ɪˋnɔrməslɪ] adv. 巨大地

• The city has changed enormously over the past few years. 过去几年来,该城市有了大幅度的改变。

b. 空格后提到,「1-800-273-8255」这首歌在 2017 年度美国排行榜上高居第三名,还荣获葛莱美奖提 名,可知黑暗的题材并没有拦阻这首歌「变得极为 成功」,故选 (D)。

3. Furthermore, a study in The British Medical Journal shows that teen suicides decreased by more than five percent in the month following the song’s release.


a. (A) release [ rɪˋlis ] n. (唱片、电影等)发行,上映

• The new singer caused a sensation right after the release of her first CD.


(B) creation [ krɪˋeʃən ] n. 创作品;创作
• The artist’s latest creation shows his idea of time and space.


(C) lesson [ ˋlɛsn] n. 课程;教训

• “Tomorrow’s lesson will be about frogs,” said the teacher.


(D) strategy [ ˋstrætədʒɪ] n. 策略;战略

• The market has shifted, so we have to change our business strategy.


b. 根据语意,一份刊登于《英国医学期刊》的研究显 示,在这首歌「发行」的一个月内,青少年自杀人 数降低了超过 5%,故 (A) 项应为正选。

4. According to the study, 245 suicides were prevented during those time periods.


a. (A) attempt [ əˋtɛmpt] vt. 尝试;试图(做)

• The pilot attempted to land the burning plane in a field.


(B) announce [ əˋnaʊns] vt. 宣布,公告

• The test results will be announced in a week.


(C) protect [ prəˋtɛkt ] vt. 保护
• All parents should protect their children from being harmed.


(D) prevent [ prɪˋvɛnt ] vt. 避免;阻止

• Accidents can be prevented if we do everything with caution.


b. 空格前提到,在「1-800-273-8255」发行的一个 月内,青少年自杀人数降低了超过 5%,而 MTV 演出后、以及隔年在葛莱美奖上演出后,同样的 现象又再度上演,可知在那些时日里,这首歌「阻 止」了多起自杀事件,故选 (D)。

5. Logic himself once struggled with depression, an experience he used to make the lyrics and the song more real and relatable.


a. (A) technical [ ˋtɛknɪk] a. 技术的;技能的

• You need technical training to do this job.


(B) humorous [ ˋhjumərəs] a. 幽默的

• John is well-liked for his humorous personality.


(C) relatable [ rɪˈleɪtəbl] a. 有共鸣的,可理解的

• This comic series became a hit because its characters are relatable to most readers.


(D) peaceful [ ˋpisfəl] a. 和平的;平静的

• We’re looking for a peaceful solution to the dispute.


b. 根据语意,Logic 本身曾与忧郁症奋战,这段经历使 这首歌的歌词与歌曲更真实且更「有共鸣」,故选 (C)。

More to Learn

previously [ ˋpriviəslɪ] adv. 先前,以前
• John was previously a doctor, but he is now a successful businessman.


以下介绍其他亦可表「(时间上)先前,以前;提前」 的单字及片语:

a. earlier [ ˋɝlɪr] adv. 先前,早些时候

• The matter was first brought to my attention earlier this year.


b. in advance


• Call the restaurant in advance to see if there is a table available.


c. beforehand [ bɪˋfor͵hænd ] adv. 事先;事前(尤用于在某事发生前)

• All employees should ask their supervisors beforehand if they want to take leave.


d. ahead of time / schedule (较预定时间或排程)提前,事先

• It is best if you prepare everything the boss wants ahead of time.


e. prior to... 在⋯⋯之前,先于⋯⋯

• Beth told Jason her big secret prior to her death.




    以歌名而言,「1-800-273-8255」不是世上最琅琅上口 的。这首歌由美国饶舌歌手 Logic、艾莉西亚‧卡拉和凯利 德一起演唱,是关于一个拨打美国国家自杀预防生命线(歌 名的电话号码)的人。Logic 唱道:「我不想活了」,而卡拉 回应他应该试着看见「最黑暗事物中的光」。黑暗的题材并 没有拦阻这首歌变得极为成功。它在 2017 年度美国排行榜 高居第三名,甚至荣获葛莱美奖提名。然而,是这首歌拯救 无数生命的作为使它如此出色。

    根据 CNN 报导,在 Logic 于 2017 年 MTV 音乐录 影带大奖上表演这首歌曲之后,打给自杀谘询专线的电话增 加了一半。此外,一份刊登于《英国医学期刊》的研究显 示,在这首歌发行的一个月内,青少年自杀案件降低了超过 5%。在前面提到的 MTV 演出后、以及隔年在葛莱美奖上 演出后,同样的现象又再度上演。根据该研究,在那些时日 里,这首歌阻止了两百四十五起自杀事件。

    Logic 本身曾与忧郁症奋战,这段经历使这首歌的歌词 与歌曲更真实且更有共鸣。他告诉 CNN:「我认为诚实是一 切」。正是这直接了当的诚实让「1-800-273-8255」拯救了 许许多多年轻人的宝贵生命。

Words in Use

chart [tʃɑrt]

n. 图表;排行榜(此意常用复数)

remarkable [rɪˋmɑrkəb!]

a. 了不起的,非凡的

multiple [ˋmʌltəp!]

a. 多重的,众多的

depression [dɪˋprɛʃən]

n. 沮丧;忧郁症;(经济)萧条,不景气

brutal [ˋbrut!]

a. 残酷的,残忍的

nomination [͵nɑməˋneʃən]

n. 提名

tune [tjun]

vt. 为……调音
n. 曲调,旋律
vi. 转到……的频道

catchy [ˋkætʃɪ]
adj. (曲调等)动听而易记的

lyric [ˋlɪrɪk]
n. 歌词(恒用复数)

rapper [ˋræpɚ]
n. 饶舌歌手

lifeline [ˋlaɪf͵laɪn]
n. 生命线

helpline [ˋhɛlplaɪn]
n. 求助专线

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾亚太线上服务股份有限公司 | Posted:2022-11-15 21:51 |

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