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单口喜剧: 让你笑到「并轨」



    Most of us know someone great at telling jokes. It takes exceptional talent, however, to become a successful stand-up comedian. These people stand up on stage with just a microphone and try their hardest to get as many __1__ from the audience as possible. In countries like the US and the UK, top stand-up comedians are among the best-known celebrities. Most focus on a specific type of comedy in their act. One of the most common is observational comedy, __2__ jokes are made about aspects of everyday life. Another is political satire, which makes fun of people in politics.

    Early versions of stand-up comedy date back to the 19th century. However, the style that people are familiar with today—one person standing before an audience telling jokes— started __3__ in the 1930s. In the 1970s and 1980s, special comedy clubs like The Laugh Factory and the Comedy Cellar began appearing in cities. As early as the 1960s, however, stand-up comedians had been performing regularly on late-night television talk shows, such as The Tonight Show. This development was __4__ in introducing stand-up comedy to a much wider audience, enabling people who had never seen a live show to enjoy this unique form of entertainment.

    These days, it’s common for performers to have their act filmed and __5__ on video streaming services. And while stand-up comedy, like jazz and rock music, is primarily an American art form, other countries and cultures have warmly embraced it.

1. (A) tears (B) laughs (C) signs (D) frowns

2. (A) when (B) how (C) why (D) where

3. (A) building confidence (B) causing offense (C) gaining popularity (D) raising awareness

4. (A) influential (B) optimistic (C) sensitive (D) ridiculous

5. (A) deposited (B) released (C) scattered (D) furnished

答案: 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.B

Words in Use

laugh [læf]

vi. & n. 笑

sign [saɪn]

vt. & vi. 签名
n. 迹象;信号,示意;标示牌

sensitive [ˋsɛnsətɪv]

adj. 敏感的,易被冒犯的
Fred is sensitive to others’ remarks.

Don’t mention Donald’s missing dog―he’s very sensitive about that.
不要提到唐纳德走失的狗 — 他对那件事非常敏感。

高中 Level 2

tear [tɪr]

n. 眼泪

aspect [ˋæspɛkt]

n. 方面

audience [ˋɔdɪəns]

n. 观众(集合名词,通常不加 s,后接复数动词)

awareness [əˋwɛrnɪs]

n. 意识;察觉

stream [strim]

vt. & vi. 在线收听或收看
vi. 流动
n. 溪流;流量

version [ˋvɝʒən]

n. 译本;版本;(文艺作品的)改编形式

embrace [ɪmˋbres]

vt. & n. & vi. 拥抱

furnish [ˋfɝnɪʃ]

.vt. 配备家俱;提供(用于下列片语)

entertainment [͵ɛntɚˋtenmənt]

n. 娱乐,乐趣(不可数);娱乐节目(可数)

confidence [ˋkɑnfədəns]

n. 信心

frown [fraʊn]

n. & vi. 皱眉头

influential [͵ɪnflʊˋɛnʃəl]

a. 有影响力的

offense [əˋfɛns]

n. 犯罪;攻击;冒犯,得罪

exceptional [ɪkˋsɛpʃən!]

a. 卓越的;异常的,不寻常的

ridiculous [rɪˋdɪkjələs]

a. 可笑的,荒谬的

celebrity [səˋlɛbrətɪ]

n. 名人 (可数) ; 名声,名气 (不可数)

comedian [kəˋmidɪən]

n. 喜剧演员

primarily [praɪˋmɛrəlɪ]

adv. 主要地

optimistic [͵ɑptəˋmɪstɪk]

a. 乐观的(与介词 about 并用)

enable [ɪnˋeb!]

vt. 使能够

release [rɪˋlis]

vt. & n. 释出,释放(= let go of);发行,发布

scatter [ˋskætɚ]

vt. 撒;使分散
vi. 分散
n. 零星散布的东西

deposit [dɪˋpɑzɪt]

vt. 存放(银行)
n. 蕴藏量;订金

cellar [ˋsɛlɚ]
n. 地窖

observational [͵ɑbzɚˋveʃən!]
a. 观察的

satire [ˋsætaɪr]
n. 讽刺,讥讽
Practical Phrases

be familiar with... 熟悉……
Are you familiar with my boss?

enable sb to + V 使某人能够……
Knowledge enables one to solve one’s own problems.

focus on... 专注于……
Don’t bother Al. He is focused on his work.

make fun of sb 取笑某人
= mock sb
Don’t make fun of John. He is so embarrassed.

date back (all the way) to + 时间∕时期 追溯至⋯⋯(时间)
My mother’s antique table dates back to the early 1800s.

According to scientists, these fossils date back to 2000 BCE.

try one’s hardest to V 尽某人最大的努力做⋯⋯
I will try my hardest to make sure the show is a success.

gain (in) popularity 渐受欢迎;开始流行
The director gained popularity after his film was nominated for an Academy Award.

Tips & Analysis

1. These people stand up on stage with just a microphone and try their hardest to get as many laughs from the audience as possible.


空格前一句提到单口喜剧演员,可知这些人站在舞 台上应是卯足全力想从观众席中得到愈多「笑声」 愈好,故 (B) 项应为正选。

2. One of the most common is observational comedy, where jokes are made about aspects of everyday life.


a. 空格前有先行词 observational comedy(观察型 喜剧),而空格后为完整的子句,故知空格应置入 可修饰「某种情况、情境」的关系副词,以引导形容词子句修饰 observational comedy。

b. 四个选项均可作关系副词,然 when 引导的形容 词子句只修饰其前表「时间」的名词,how 只用 以修饰 the way(方法),而 why 则只修饰 the reason(理由),故 (A)、(B)、(C) 均不可选。

c. 选项中唯一可修饰表「某种情况、情境」的关系副 词为 where,置入后表最常见的喜剧之一是观察型 喜剧,其中的笑话是关于日常生活的各个层面,故 答案应选 (D) where。

3. However, the style that people are familiar with today—one person standing before an audience telling jokes—started gaining popularity in the 1930s.


根据语意,现今人们熟悉的单口喜剧风格 ─ 一 个人站在观众面前讲笑话 ─ 在 1930 年代「渐 受欢迎」,故 (C) 项应为正选。

4. This development was influential in introducing stand-up comedy to a much wider audience, enabling people who had never seen a live show to enjoy this unique form of entertainment.


根据语意,1960 年代,单口喜剧演员在深夜的电 视脱口秀节目中表演的这一发展,「在」把单口喜 剧介绍给更广泛的观众上很「有影响力」,能让从 未看过现场表演的人享受这种独特的娱乐形式,故 选 (A)。

5. These days, it’s common for performers to have their act filmed and released on video streaming services.


根据语意,空格所在的句子中提到影音串流服务, 可知表演者通常会录下他们的表演,并「发表」在 影音串流服务上,故选 (B)。

More to Learn

stand-up (comedy) 单口喜剧

• Alan worked as a DJ and began performing stand-up comedy in 2020.

艾伦曾担任 DJ,并于 2020 年开始表演单口喜剧。

a. open mic 开放麦克风

* 指公开让喜剧演员自愿即兴表演的场合。

b. pun [ pʌn ] n. 双关语,语义双关的俏皮话

* 单口喜剧中常会听到使用双关语的笑话,指利用词 的多义及同音玩文字游戏。

make a pun 说双关语

• The man made a couple of offensive puns.


c. hellish gag 地狱哏

hellish [ ˋhɛlɪʃ ] a. 很糟的;很令人讨厌的

gag [ gæg ] n.(尤指喜剧演员的)插科打诨,玩笑

* 好笑的段子中几乎都会穿插一些地狱哏,是指以己 身或他人的悲剧、疾病等作为笑点,为一种黑色幽默的表达方式。

d. roast [ rost ] vt. 吐槽

*roast 原表「烤;烘;焙」,在单口喜剧中被拿来

作为「吐槽」之意,带有挖苦的意味。另外,「吐槽的人」叫做 roaster,而「被吐槽的人」则是 roastee。

e. anecdote [ ˋænɪk͵dot ] n. 轶事,趣闻 *anecdote 有可能是发生在自己或别人身上的小故事,常被拿来当作表演的题材。

f. punchline [ ˋpʌntʃlaɪn ] n.(故事或笑话的最后点 题或抛出笑料的)妙语,画龙点睛的结尾句

*punchline 是一个段子中的最精彩之处,常放在整个段子的中间或后面。

中文翻译(& 答案)

单口喜剧 : 让你笑到「 并轨」

    我们大多数人都认识某个擅长讲笑话的人。然而,要成为一名成功的单口喜剧演员,需要非凡的才能。 这些人站在只有一支麦克风的舞台上,卯足全力地想从观众席中得到愈多笑声愈好。在美国和英国等国家, 顶尖的单口喜剧演员也都是名声非常响亮的名人。大多数人的表演专注于特定类型的喜剧。最常见的喜剧之 一是观察型喜剧,其中的笑话是关于日常生活的各个层面。另一种是开政治人物玩笑的政治讽刺。

    单口喜剧的早期版本可以追溯到十九世纪。然而,现今人们熟悉的风格 ─ 一个人站在观众面前讲笑 话 ─ 在 1930 年代开始渐受欢迎。在 1970 年代和 1980 年代,像笑匠工厂和喜剧酒窖这样的特殊喜剧 俱乐部开始在城市中出现。然而,早在 1960 年代,单口喜剧演员就经常在深夜的电视脱口秀节目(如《今夜秀》)中表演。这一发展在把单口喜剧介绍给更广泛的观众上很有影响力,能让从未看过现场表演的人享受这种独特的娱乐形式。

    如今,表演者通常会录下他们的表演,并发表在影音串流服务上。虽然单口喜剧像爵士乐和摇滚乐一 样,主要是美国的一种艺术形式,但其他国家和文化已经热情地接受了它。

献花 x0 回到顶端 [楼 主] From:台湾亚太线上服务股份有限公司 | Posted:2022-09-25 21:42 |

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