I always like to cook some delicious foods with my family and girlfriend in my free time
→→ I always like to cook some delicious food
for my family and girlfriend in my
spare time.(这句中文之意就是闲暇之余,我为家人与女友整上一桌让大家大块朵颐一番。而上一句是有空
He is conscientious about his job in one sense
改为→→He is conscientious about his work devotedly(或是single-mindedly)
或是→→He is conscientious about his work with all his might.(倾全力努力工作)
and at sea survey
→→and at-sea survey 或是 and sea survey
I used to do level survey(水准测量)
→→leveling survey
There were thirteen clansmen in our survey team
→→There were 13 associates (members)in our survey team .
This was a special and unforgettable experience for me
→→This is a special and unforgettable experience for me.现在式比较符合情境
It is now my aim to advance my professional knowledge in quality control, excel and autocad
→→It is now my aim to advance my professional skills in quality control, labour security,
autocad training, and working licence.
I think to be an architectural interior survey engineer will not be a dream for me
→→I don't think it will be a dream (for me) to be an architectural interior survey engineer.
If I get plenty bankroll I
→→If I got plenty of bankroll, I would...
Because having a chafing dish restaurant is my second dream
→→To have(run) a chafing dish restaurant is my second dream.表示未来的愿望,不能用动名词来
I'm confident about being successful in the future
→→I'm confident in my future life.或是
→→I'm confident of doing well in the future.
won't abandon anything bad in my life
→→won't abandon my sweet dream in my life.