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[1.6][插件] zp物品設置權限問題

我想set 個 m79做要有b權先買得不過唔知要係邊到改,麻煩各位大大幫幫手改下個sma檔~萬分感激~~~
#include < amxmodx >
#include < cstrike >
#include < engine >
#include < fakemeta >
#include < fun >
#include < hamsandwich >
#include < zombieplague >// Version
#define VERSION "1.2"// Maxplayers
#define MAXPLAYERS  32// FCVAR stuff
#define NULLENT   -1// EV_INT field used to store ak47 index
#define EV_INT_WEAPONKEY EV_INT_impulse// pev_ field used to stor m79 bpammo
#define pev_weaponammo  pev_iuser2// M79 weapon key
#define M79_WEAPONKEY  1756// CS offsets
#define OFFSET_PLAYER  41
#define OFFSET_CLIP  51
#define OFFSET_RELOAD  54
#define LINUX_DIFF  4
#define LINUX_DIFF_WPN  5//================================ Customization starts below ==============================
#define MAXCLIP   1 // I strictly recommend you to dont change this value!^^
#define MAXBPAMMO  10 // Bp ammo
#define RELOAD_TIME  3.2 // Don't set this lower that 3.0
#define REFIRE_RATE  1.5 // Refire rate
#define TRAIL_RED  255 // (0-255).Red amount in trail
#define TRAIL_GREEN  255 // (0-255).Green amount in trail
#define TRAIL_BLUE  255 // (0-255).Blue amount in trail// Grenade model
new const grenade_model [ ] = "models/grenade.mdl"// Sounds
new const fire_sound [ ] [ ] = { "weapons/m79_fire1.wav", "weapons/m79_fire2.wav" }
new const sound_buy [ ] [ ] =  { "items/9mmclip1.wav" }
//================================ Customization end! =======================================
// Models
new const p_m79 [ ] = "models/p_m79.mdl"
new const v_m79 [ ] = "models/v_m79.mdl" // You should'nt change this model
new const w_m79 [ ] = "models/w_m79.mdl"// Little note about sounds listed below.If you are using original weapon models (which are
// provdied in this plugin) DON'T CHANGE SOUND PATHS, or you'll not hear reload sound.
new const sound_reload [ ] [ ] = { "weapons/m79_clipin.wav", "weapons/m79_clipon.wav", "weapons/m79_clipout.wav" }// Entities
new const g_DefaultEntity [ ] = "info_target"
new const g_GrenadeEntity [ ] = "zp_m79_grenade"
new const g_AkEntity [ ] = "weapon_ak47"
new const g_PlayerEntity [ ] = "player"// Cached sprite indexes
new m_iTrail, m_iExplo// Player variables
new g_hasLauncher [ MAXPLAYERS+1 ]
new Float:g_LastShotTime [ MAXPLAYERS+1 ]
new g_CurrentWeapon [ MAXPLAYERS+1 ]// Global variables
new g_MaxPlayers, g_Restarted// Booleans
new bool:bIsAlive [ MAXPLAYERS+1 ]// CVAR pointers
new cvar_maxdmg, cvar_radius, cvar_oneround, cvar_knockback// Item IDs
new g_m79, g_m79nade// Message ID
new g_msgScoreInfo, g_msgDeathMsg, g_msgAmmoPickup, g_msgCurWeapon, g_msgAmmoX// Animation sequences
 m79_shoot1, // Shoot & Reload
}// Primary weapons bit-sum
const PRIMARY_WEAPONS_BITSUM = (1<<CSW_SCOUT)|(1<<CSW_XM1014)|(1<<CSW_MAC10)|(1<<CSW_AUG)|(1<<CSW_UMP45)|(1<<CSW_SG550)|(1<<CSW_GALIL)|(1<<CSW_FAMAS)|(1<<CSW_AWP)|(1<<CSW_MP5NAVY)|(1<<CSW_M249)|(1<<CSW_M3)|(1<<CSW_M4A1)|(1<<CSW_TMP)|(1<<CSW_G3SG1)|(1<<CSW_SG552)|(1<<CSW_AK47)|(1<<CSW_P90)// Precache
public plugin_precache ( )
 // Models
 precache_model ( p_m79 )
 precache_model ( v_m79 )
 precache_model ( w_m79 )
 precache_model ( grenade_model )
 // Sound
 new i
 for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof fire_sound; i++ )
  precache_sound ( fire_sound [ i ] )
 for ( i = 0 ; i < sizeof sound_buy; i++ )
  precache_sound ( sound_buy [ i ] ) 
 for ( i = 0; i < sizeof sound_reload; i++ )
  precache_sound ( sound_reload [ i ] ) // Sprites
 m_iTrail = precache_model ( "sprites/laserbeam.spr" )
 m_iExplo = precache_model ( "sprites/zerogxplode.spr" )
}// Initialization
public plugin_init ( )
 // New plugin
 register_plugin ( "[ZP] Extra Item:M79", VERSION, "NiHiLaNTh" )
 // Game-Monitor support
 register_cvar ( "zp_m79_version", VERSION, FCVAR_FLAGS )
 // New extra items
 g_m79 = zp_register_extra_item ( "M79 Grenade Launcher", 25, ZP_TEAM_HUMAN )
 g_m79nade = zp_register_extra_item ( "40mm M79 Grenade", 5, ZP_TEAM_HUMAN )
 // Buyammo1 commands from zombie plague
 register_clcmd ( "buyammo1", "clcmd_buyammo1" )
 register_clcmd ( "buyammo2", "clcmd_buyammo1" )
 // Events
 register_event("CurWeapon", "Event_CurrentWeapon", "be", "1=1")
 register_event("HLTV", "Event_NewRound", "a", "1=0", "2=0")
 register_event("TextMsg", "Event_GameRestart", "a", "2=#Game_Commencing", "2=#Game_will_restart_in")
 register_event ( "DeathMsg", "Event_DeathMsg", "a" )
 // Forwards
 register_forward ( FM_CmdStart, "fw_CmdStart" )
 register_forward ( FM_UpdateClientData, "fw_UpdateClientData_Post", 1 )
 register_forward ( FM_SetModel, "fw_SetModel" )
 RegisterHam ( Ham_Item_Deploy, g_AkEntity, "fw_LauncherDeploy_Post", 1 )
 RegisterHam ( Ham_Item_AddToPlayer, g_AkEntity, "fw_LauncherAddToPlayer" )
 RegisterHam ( Ham_Item_PostFrame, g_AkEntity, "fw_LauncherPostFrame" )
 RegisterHam ( Ham_Spawn, g_PlayerEntity, "fw_PlayerSpawn_Post", 1 )
 // Touch
 register_touch ( g_GrenadeEntity, "*", "touch_m79nade" )
 // CVARs
 cvar_maxdmg = register_cvar ( "zp_m79_maxdmg", "450" )
 cvar_radius = register_cvar ( "zp_m79_radius", "500" )
 cvar_oneround = register_cvar ( "zp_m79_oneround", "1" )
 cvar_knockback = register_cvar ( "zp_m79_knockback" ,"10" )
 // Message
 g_msgScoreInfo = get_user_msgid ( "ScoreInfo" )
 g_msgDeathMsg = get_user_msgid ( "DeathMsg" )
 g_msgAmmoPickup = get_user_msgid ( "AmmoPickup" )
 g_msgCurWeapon = get_user_msgid ( "CurWeapon" )
 g_msgAmmoX = get_user_msgid ( "AmmoX" ) // Maxplayers
 g_MaxPlayers = get_maxplayers ( )
}// Connected
public client_connect ( Player )
 bIsAlive [ Player ] = false
}// Disconnect
public client_disconnect ( Player )
 // Update
 g_hasLauncher [ Player ] = false
 bIsAlive [ Player ] = false
}// User infected post
public zp_user_infected_post ( Player, Infector )
 g_hasLauncher [ Player ] = false
}// User transfered into Survivor
public zp_user_humanized_post ( Player, Survivor )
 g_hasLauncher [ Survivor ] = false
}// Buy ammo attempt
public clcmd_buyammo1 ( Player )
 // Block ammo buying while holding M79
 if ( g_hasLauncher [ Player ] )
}// Buy an extra item
public zp_extra_item_selected ( Player, Item )
 // M79
 if ( Item == g_m79 )
  // Already own it
  if ( g_hasLauncher [ Player ] )
   // Warning
   client_print ( Player, print_chat, "[ZP] Already have M79 Grenade Launcher" )
   // Drop primary guns
   drop_primary_weapons ( Player )
   // Update array
   g_hasLauncher [ Player ] = true
   // Ak47
   give_item ( Player, g_AkEntity )
   // Clip ammo
   new ak = find_ent_by_owner ( NULLENT, g_AkEntity, Player )
   set_pdata_int ( ak, OFFSET_CLIP, MAXCLIP, LINUX_DIFF )
   // BP ammo
   cs_set_user_bpammo ( Player, CSW_AK47, MAXBPAMMO )
 // M79 grenade
 else if ( Item == g_m79nade )
  // Don't have Launcher
  if ( !g_hasLauncher [ Player ] )
   client_print ( Player, print_chat, "[ZP] You don't have M79 Grenade Launcher" )
  // Too many grenades
  new bpammo = cs_get_user_bpammo ( Player, CSW_AK47 )
  if ( bpammo >= MAXBPAMMO )
   client_print ( Player, print_chat, "[ZP] You cannot buy more Grenades" )
   // Ammo pickup
   message_begin ( MSG_ONE, g_msgAmmoPickup, _, Player )
   write_byte ( 12 ) // Ammo ID
   write_byte ( 1 ) // Ammo amount
   message_end ( )
   // Buy sound
   emit_sound ( Player, CHAN_ITEM, sound_buy[random_num(0, sizeof sound_buy-1)], VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM )
   // Increase bp ammo
   cs_set_user_bpammo ( Player, CSW_AK47, bpammo+1 )
}// Current weapon player is holding
public Event_CurrentWeapon ( Player )
 // Not alive or dont have M79
 if ( !bIsAlive [ Player ] || !g_hasLauncher [ Player ] )
 // Update
 g_CurrentWeapon [ Player ] = read_data ( 2 )
 // AK47 
 if ( g_CurrentWeapon [ Player ] == CSW_AK47 )
  // Models
  set_pev ( Player, pev_viewmodel2, v_m79 )
  set_pev ( Player, pev_weaponmodel2, p_m79 )
  // Find ak47
  new ak47 = find_ent_by_owner ( -1, "weapon_ak47", Player )
  // Get clip
  new clip = cs_get_weapon_ammo ( ak47 )
  // Get bp ammo
  new bpammo = cs_get_user_bpammo ( Player, CSW_AK47 )
  // We have more than required
  if ( clip > MAXCLIP || bpammo > MAXBPAMMO )
   // Return it back
   cs_set_weapon_ammo ( ak47, MAXCLIP )
   cs_set_user_bpammo ( Player, CSW_AK47, MAXBPAMMO )
   // Call for HUD update
   update_hud ( Player )
}// New round started
public Event_NewRound ( )
 // Game was restarted
 if ( g_Restarted )
  // Update
  arrayset ( g_hasLauncher, false, 33 )
 // Update
 g_Restarted = false
 // One round cvar
 if ( get_pcvar_num ( cvar_oneround ) >= 1 )
  // Loop
  for ( new i  = 1; i < g_MaxPlayers; i++ )
   // Remove ak47 from inventory
   ham_strip_user_gun ( i, "weapon_ak47" )
}// Restart
public Event_GameRestart ( )
 g_Restarted = true
}// Someone died
public Event_DeathMsg ( )
 // Get victim
 new victim = read_data ( 2 )
 // Not connected
 if ( !is_user_connected ( victim ) )
 // Update
 bIsAlive [ victim ] = false
 if ( g_hasLauncher [ victim ] )
  // Force to drop
  engclient_cmd ( victim, "drop" )
}// Cmd start
public fw_CmdStart ( Player, UC_Handle, Seed )
 // Not alive / dont have m79 / weapon isnt ak47
 if ( !bIsAlive [ Player ] || !g_hasLauncher [ Player ] || g_CurrentWeapon [ Player ] != CSW_AK47 )
 // Get buttons
 static buttons ; buttons = get_uc ( UC_Handle, UC_Buttons )
 // Primary attack button
 if ( buttons & IN_ATTACK )
  // Remove attack buttons from their button mask
  buttons &= ~IN_ATTACK
  set_uc ( UC_Handle, UC_Buttons, buttons )
  // No way...That's too  fast
  if ( get_gametime ( ) - g_LastShotTime [ Player ] < REFIRE_RATE )
  // Weapon entity
  static ak47 ; ak47 = find_ent_by_owner ( NULLENT, g_AkEntity, Player )
  // Clip
  static Clip ; Clip = get_pdata_int ( ak47, OFFSET_CLIP, LINUX_DIFF )
  // Out of ammo ?
  if ( Clip <= 0 ) return FMRES_IGNORED
  // Reloading ?
  static Reload ; Reload = get_pdata_int ( ak47, OFFSET_RELOAD, LINUX_DIFF )
  // Don't fire while reloading
  if ( Reload ) return FMRES_IGNORED
  // Bp ammo
  static BpAmmo ; BpAmmo = cs_get_user_bpammo ( Player, CSW_AK47 )
  // Fire!!
  FireGrenade ( Player )
  // Decrease ammo count
  cs_set_weapon_ammo ( ak47, Clip-1 )
  // Remember last shot time
  g_LastShotTime [ Player ] = get_gametime ( )
  // We are out of ammo
  if ( Clip <= 0 && BpAmmo <= 0 )
   // Empty sound
   ExecuteHamB ( Ham_Weapon_PlayEmptySound, ak47 )
}// Update client data post
public fw_UpdateClientData_Post ( Player, SendWeapons, CD_Handle )
 // Not alive / dont have m79 / weapon isnt ak47
 if ( !bIsAlive [ Player ] || !g_hasLauncher [ Player ] || g_CurrentWeapon [ Player ] != CSW_AK47 )
 // Block default sounds/animations
 set_cd ( CD_Handle, CD_flNextAttack, halflife_time ( ) + 0.001 )
}// Set world model(meTaLiCroSS)
public fw_SetModel ( Entity, const Model [ ] )
 // Entity is not valid
 if ( !is_valid_ent ( Entity ) )
 // Not ak47
 if ( !equal ( Model, "models/w_ak47.mdl" ) )
 // Get classname
 static szClassName [ 33 ]
 entity_get_string ( Entity, EV_SZ_classname, szClassName, charsmax ( szClassName ) )
 // Not a Weapon box
 if ( !equal ( szClassName, "weaponbox" ) )
 // Some vars
 static iOwner, iStoredAkID
 // Get owner
 iOwner = entity_get_edict ( Entity, EV_ENT_owner )
 // Get drop weapon index
 iStoredAkID = find_ent_by_owner ( NULLENT, "weapon_ak47", Entity )
 // Entity classname is weaponbox, and ak47 was founded
 if( g_hasLauncher [ iOwner ] && is_valid_ent ( iStoredAkID ) )
  // Setting weapon options
  entity_set_int ( iStoredAkID, EV_INT_WEAPONKEY, M79_WEAPONKEY )
  // Save bp ammo
  set_pev ( iStoredAkID, pev_weaponammo, cs_get_user_bpammo ( iOwner, CSW_AK47 ) )
  // Reset user vars
  g_hasLauncher [ iOwner ] = false
  // Replace world model
  entity_set_model ( Entity, w_m79 )
}// Launcher deploy
public fw_LauncherDeploy_Post ( Launcher )
 // Owner
 new Player = get_pdata_cbase ( Launcher, OFFSET_PLAYER, LINUX_DIFF_WPN )
 // Owns Launcher
 if ( g_hasLauncher [ Player ] )
  // Deploy animation
  UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, m79_draw )
}// Give launcher to a player
public fw_LauncherAddToPlayer ( Launcher, Player )
 // Make sure that this is M79
 if( is_valid_ent ( Launcher ) && is_user_connected ( Player ) && entity_get_int ( Launcher,  EV_INT_WEAPONKEY ) == M79_WEAPONKEY )
  // Update
  g_hasLauncher [ Player ] = true
  // BP ammo
  cs_set_user_bpammo ( Player, CSW_AK47, pev ( Launcher, pev_weaponammo ) )
  // Reset weapon options
  entity_set_int ( Launcher, EV_INT_WEAPONKEY, 0)
  return HAM_HANDLED
// Launcher post frame
public fw_LauncherPostFrame ( Launcher )
 // Owner
 new Player = get_pdata_cbase ( Launcher, OFFSET_PLAYER, LINUX_DIFF_WPN )
 // Owns Launcher
 if ( is_user_connected ( Player ) && g_hasLauncher [ Player ] )
  // Reload offset
  new fInReload = get_pdata_int ( Launcher, OFFSET_RELOAD, LINUX_DIFF )
  // Next attack time
  new Float:flNextAttack = get_pdata_float ( Player, OFFSET_NEXTATTACK, LINUX_DIFF_WPN )
  // Clip
  new iClip ; iClip = get_pdata_int ( Launcher, OFFSET_CLIP, LINUX_DIFF )
  // Ammo type
  new iAmmoType = OFFSET_PLAYERSLOT + get_pdata_int( Launcher, OFFSET_PRIMAMMOTYPE, LINUX_DIFF )
  // BP ammo
  new iBpAmmo ; iBpAmmo = get_pdata_int( Player, iAmmoType, LINUX_DIFF_WPN ) 
  // Reloading
  if( fInReload && flNextAttack <= 0.0 )
   // Calculate the difference
   new j = min(MAXCLIP - iClip, iBpAmmo)
   // Set new clip
   set_pdata_int ( Launcher, OFFSET_CLIP, iClip + j, LINUX_DIFF )
   // Decrease 'x' bullets from backpack(depending on new clip)
   set_pdata_int ( Player, iAmmoType, iBpAmmo-j, LINUX_DIFF_WPN )
   // Not reloding anymore
   set_pdata_int ( Launcher, OFFSET_RELOAD, 0, LINUX_DIFF )
   fInReload = 0
  // Get buttons
  static iButton ; iButton = pev( Player, pev_button)
  // Attack/Attack2 buttons and next prim/sec attack time hasnt' come yet
  if( (iButton & IN_ATTACK2 && get_pdata_float( Launcher, OFFSET_NEXTSECATTACK, LINUX_DIFF ) <= 0.0)
  || (iButton & IN_ATTACK && get_pdata_float( Launcher, OFFSET_NEXTPRIMATTACK, LINUX_DIFF ) <= 0.0) )
  // Reload button / not reloading
  if( iButton & IN_RELOAD && !fInReload )
   // Old clip is more/equal than/to new
   if( iClip >= MAXCLIP )
    // Remove reload button
    set_pev ( Player, pev_button, iButton & ~IN_RELOAD )
    //Don't play reload animation
    UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation( Player, -1 )
    // No need to reload if we are out of ammo
    if ( !iBpAmmo ) return
    // Next attack time
    set_pdata_float( Player, OFFSET_NEXTATTACK, RELOAD_TIME+0.5, LINUX_DIFF_WPN )
    // Reload animation
    UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, m79_shoot1 )
    // Reload offset
    set_pdata_int ( Launcher, OFFSET_RELOAD, 1, LINUX_DIFF )
    // Idle time
    set_pdata_float ( Launcher, OFFSET_WEAPONIDLE, RELOAD_TIME + 1.0, LINUX_DIFF )
} // Spawn
public fw_PlayerSpawn_Post ( Player )
 // Dead
 if ( !is_user_alive ( Player ) )
 // Update
 bIsAlive [ Player ] = true
}// Fire grenade
public FireGrenade ( Player )
 // Velocity
 static Float:fVelocity [ 3 ]
 // Create ent
 new grenade = create_entity ( g_DefaultEntity )
 // Not grenade
 if (!grenade ) return PLUGIN_HANDLED
 // Classname
 entity_set_string ( grenade, EV_SZ_classname, g_GrenadeEntity )
 // Model
 entity_set_model ( grenade, grenade_model )
 // Origin
 static Float:origin [ 3 ], Float:angle [ 3 ]
 engfunc ( EngFunc_GetAttachment, Player, 2, origin, angle )
 entity_set_origin ( grenade, origin )
 // Size
 engfunc ( EngFunc_SetSize, grenade, Float:{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 }, Float:{ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 } )
 // Interaction
 entity_set_int ( grenade, EV_INT_solid, SOLID_SLIDEBOX )
 // Movetype
 entity_set_int ( grenade, EV_INT_movetype, MOVETYPE_TOSS )
 // Owner
 entity_set_edict ( grenade, EV_ENT_owner, Player )
 // Velocity
 VelocityByAim( Player, 2000, fVelocity )
 // Velocity
 entity_set_vector ( grenade, EV_VEC_velocity, fVelocity )
 // Angles
 static Float:flAngle [ 3 ]
 engfunc ( EngFunc_VecToAngles, fVelocity, flAngle )
 entity_set_vector ( grenade, EV_VEC_angles, flAngle )
 // Animation
 UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( Player, m79_shoot1 )
 // Recoil
 set_pev ( Player, pev_punchangle, Float:{12.0, 6.0,0.0} )
 // Launch sound
 emit_sound ( grenade, CHAN_WEAPON, fire_sound[random_num(0, sizeof fire_sound-1)], VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM, 0, PITCH_NORM )
 // Trail
 write_byte(TE_BEAMFOLLOW) // Temporary entity ID
 write_short(grenade) // Entity
 write_short( m_iTrail ) // Sprite index
 write_byte(10) // Life
 write_byte(3) // Line width
 write_byte(TRAIL_RED) // Red
 write_byte(TRAIL_GREEN) // Green
 write_byte(TRAIL_BLUE) // Blue
 write_byte(255) // Alpha
// Grenade hit something
public touch_m79nade ( Nade, Other )
 // Invalid entity ?
 if ( !pev_valid ( Nade ) )
 // Get it's origin
 static Float:origin [ 3 ]
 pev ( Nade, pev_origin, origin )
 // Explosion
 engfunc ( EngFunc_MessageBegin, MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, origin, 0 )
 write_byte ( TE_EXPLOSION )
 engfunc ( EngFunc_WriteCoord, origin [ 0 ] ) // Position X
 engfunc ( EngFunc_WriteCoord, origin [ 1 ] ) // Position Y
 engfunc ( EngFunc_WriteCoord, origin [ 2 ] ) // Position Z
 write_short ( m_iExplo ) // Sprite index
 write_byte ( 30 ) // Scale
 write_byte ( 15 ) // Frame rate
 write_byte ( 0 ) // Flags
 message_end ( )
 // Owner
 static owner  ; owner = pev ( Nade, pev_owner ) 
 // Make a loop
 for ( new i = 1; i < g_MaxPlayers; i++ )
  // Not alive
  if ( !bIsAlive [ i ] )
  // Godmode
  if ( get_user_godmode ( i ) == 1 )
  // Human/Survivor
  if ( !zp_get_user_zombie ( i ) || zp_get_user_survivor ( i ) )
  // Get victims origin
  static Float:origin2 [ 3 ]
  pev ( i, pev_origin, origin2 )
  // Get distance between those origins
  static Float:distance_f ; distance_f = get_distance_f ( origin, origin2 )
  // Convert distnace to non-float
  static distance ; distance = floatround ( distance_f )
  // Radius
  static radius ; radius = get_pcvar_num ( cvar_radius )
  // We are in damage radius
  if ( distance <= radius )
   // Fake damage
   fakedamage ( i, "grenade", 0.0, DMG_BLAST )
   // Max damage
   static maxdmg ; maxdmg = get_pcvar_num ( cvar_maxdmg )
   // Normal dmg
   new Damage
   Damage = maxdmg - floatround ( floatmul ( float ( maxdmg ), floatdiv ( float ( distance ), float ( radius ) ) ) )
   // Calculate health
   new health = get_user_health ( i )
   // We have at least 1 hp
   if ( health - Damage >= 1 )
    // New heakth
    set_user_health ( i, health - Damage )
    // Make knockback
    make_knockback ( i, origin, get_pcvar_float ( cvar_knockback ) * Damage )
    // We must die
    death_message ( owner, i, "grenade", 1 )
    // I hope they'll not find the bodies....
    origin2 [ 2 ] -= 45.0
 // Breakable
 static ClassName [ 32 ]
 pev ( Other, pev_classname, ClassName, charsmax ( ClassName ) )
 if ( equal ( ClassName, "func_breakable" ) )
  // Entity health
  static Float:health
  health = entity_get_float ( Other, EV_FL_health )
  if ( health <= get_pcvar_num ( cvar_maxdmg ) )
   // Break it
   force_use ( owner, Other )
 // Remove grenade
 engfunc ( EngFunc_RemoveEntity, Nade )
}// Death message
public death_message ( Killer, Victim, const Weapon [ ], ScoreBoard )
 // Block death msg
 set_msg_block(g_msgDeathMsg, BLOCK_SET)
 ExecuteHamB(Ham_Killed, Victim, Killer, 2)
 set_msg_block(g_msgDeathMsg, BLOCK_NOT)
 // Death
 make_deathmsg ( Killer, Victim, 0, Weapon )
 // Ammo packs
 zp_set_user_ammo_packs ( Killer, zp_get_user_ammo_packs ( Killer ) + 1 )
 // Update score board
 if ( ScoreBoard )
  message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, g_msgScoreInfo)
  write_byte( Killer ) // id
  write_short(pev(Killer, pev_frags)) // frags
  write_short(cs_get_user_deaths(Killer)) // deaths
  write_short(0) // class?
  write_short(get_user_team(Killer)) // team
  message_begin(MSG_BROADCAST, g_msgScoreInfo)
  write_byte(Victim) // id
  write_short(pev(Victim, pev_frags)) // frags
  write_short(cs_get_user_deaths(Victim)) // deaths
  write_short(0) // class?
  write_short(get_user_team(Victim)) // team
// Make knockback
public make_knockback ( Victim, Float:origin [ 3 ], Float:maxspeed )
 // Get and set velocity
 new Float:fVelocity[3];
 kickback ( Victim, origin, maxspeed, fVelocity)
 entity_set_vector( Victim, EV_VEC_velocity, fVelocity); return (1);
}// Extra calulation for knockback
stock kickback( ent, Float:fOrigin[3], Float:fSpeed, Float:fVelocity[3])
 // Find origin
 new Float:fEntOrigin[3];
 entity_get_vector( ent, EV_VEC_origin, fEntOrigin ); // Do some calculations
 new Float:fDistance[3];
 fDistance[0] = fEntOrigin[0] - fOrigin[0];
 fDistance[1] = fEntOrigin[1] - fOrigin[1];
 fDistance[2] = fEntOrigin[2] - fOrigin[2];
 new Float:fTime = (vector_distance( fEntOrigin,fOrigin ) / fSpeed);
 fVelocity[0] = fDistance[0] / fTime;
 fVelocity[1] = fDistance[1] / fTime;
 fVelocity[2] = fDistance[2] / fTime; return (fVelocity[0] && fVelocity[1] && fVelocity[2]);
}// Play weapon animation stock
stock UTIL_PlayWeaponAnimation ( const Player, const Sequence )
 set_pev ( Player, pev_weaponanim, Sequence )
 message_begin ( MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, SVC_WEAPONANIM, .player = Player )
 write_byte ( Sequence )
 write_byte ( pev ( Player, pev_body ) )
 message_end ( )
}// Drop all primary guns
stock drop_primary_weapons ( Player ) 
 // Get user weapons
 static weapons [ 32 ], num, i, weaponid
 num = 0 // reset passed weapons count (bugfix)
 get_user_weapons ( Player, weapons, num )
 // Loop through them and drop primaries
 for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
  // Prevent re-indexing the array
  weaponid = weapons [ i ]
  // We definetely are holding primary gun
  if  ( ( (1<<weaponid) & PRIMARY_WEAPONS_BITSUM ) )  
   // Get weapon entity
   static wname[32]
   get_weaponname(weaponid, wname, charsmax(wname))
   // Player drops the weapon and looses his bpammo
   engclient_cmd( Player, "drop", wname)
}// Update HUD
stock update_hud ( Player )
 // Weapon ent
 new Ent = find_ent_by_owner ( -1,"weapon_ak47", Player )
 // Clip
 new clip  = cs_get_weapon_ammo ( Ent )
 // BP Ammo
 new bpammo = cs_get_user_bpammo ( Player, CSW_AK47 )
 if ( clip != -1 )
  // Update HUD
  message_begin ( MSG_ONE, g_msgCurWeapon, _, Player )
  write_byte ( 1 )
  write_byte ( CSW_AK47 )
  write_byte ( clip )
  message_end ( )
 if ( bpammo != -1 )
  // Update HUD
  message_begin ( MSG_ONE, g_msgAmmoX, _, Player )
  write_byte ( 2 )
  write_byte ( bpammo )
  message_end ( )
}// HAM strip user gun
stock ham_strip_user_gun (id, weapon[])
  return 0
 new wId = get_weaponid(weapon)
 if(!wId) return 0
 new wEnt
 while((wEnt = find_ent_by_class(wEnt, weapon)) && entity_get_edict(wEnt, EV_ENT_owner) != id) {}
 if(!wEnt) return 0
 if(get_user_weapon(id) == wId)
  return 0
 ExecuteHamB(Ham_Item_Kill, wEnt)
 entity_set_int(id, EV_INT_weapons, entity_get_int(id, EV_INT_weapons) & ~(1<<wId)) return 1

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