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[分享] W.C.G.官方新聞帖
New Project: The Clean Energy Project

World Community Grid is pleased to announce its 11th new project: The Clean Energy Project. This project comes to you from researchers at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

The mission of The Clean Energy Project is to find new materials for the next generation of solar cells and later, energy storage devices. By harnessing the immense power of World Community Grid, researchers can calculate the electronic properties of tens of thousands of organic materials - many more than could ever be tested in a lab - and determine which candidates are most promising for developing affordable solar energy technology.

Ultimately, with your support, scientists are expecting to create successful materials to produce efficient and inexpensive solar cells that will serve as viable solutions for our future energy needs.

For more information about The Clean Energy Project and other projects running on World Community Grid, please click here.

If you are currently contributing and want to check to see if you are contributing to this project, click here. If you are no longer contributing but would like to contribute to this project, please click here.

Technical Advisory: World Community Grid Moving Servers to a New Location

World Community Grid is getting brand new equipment and relocating its servers to a new IBM location. There is no action required on your part but we wanted you to be aware of the move.

The move starts on Wednesday, January 7, 2009 in the evening (approximately 0300 UCT January 8, 2009) and will require us to bring down the website for up to 48 hours.

During the downtime, your computer will be able to continue processing work units for your favorite World Community Grid research project. Your computer will know when the servers are back up and will then continue normal processing.

The move may cause your firewall to prompt you about World Community Grid. If this happens, please re-approve your computers access to World Community Grid.

For more information read this post in the member news forum.

We sincerely appreciate your wonderful support!

1.新project 介紹
2.機器 Relocate 2天停機 自己屯WU囉

古詩:手把青秧插滿田 低頭便見水中天 心地清靜方為道 退步原來是向前
獻花 x1 回到頂端 [樓 主] From:臺灣 | Posted:2009-01-08 10:28 |
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http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/fo...ead?thread=24765 <--來源
Launch of the Help Fight Childhood Cancer Project

World Community Grid is pleased to launch the Help Fight Childhood Cancer project by the Chiba Cancer Center Research Institute and Chiba University in Chiba prefecture, Japan. The mission of the Help Fight Childhood Cancer project is to use World Community Grid to find drugs which can disable three particular proteins associated with neuroblastoma, one of the most frequently occurring solid tumors in children. Finding drugs to disable these proteins would potentially make the disease much more curable with chemotherapy. Neuroblastoma is one of the most common tumors in early childhood and often leads to death. If this project is successful, it could dramatically increase the cure rate for neuroblastoma. This project may provide the breakthrough for this disease that has eluded scientists thus far. For additional information on this project, please press the Research button in the upper navigation bar or click here.

Project Badge
If a member contributes a minimum of 14 days of CPU Run Time to this project, they will receive a Help Fight Childhood Cancer project badge on their member statistics page and next to their member name when they post in the forums. There is a different badge for each research project and beta testing. To read more about badges, click here.

In addition to providing information about this project, we have created a forum for discussions about the Help Fight Childhood Cancer project. To participate in this forum, please press the Forums button in the upper navigation bar or click here. Only forum authors with the title "Help Fight Childhood Cancer Scientist" are authorized to comment as representatives of the research organization: Chiba Cancer Center Research Institute (Chiba prefecture, Japan).

Project Participation
The Help Fight Childhood Cancer is the twelfth research project to be launched on World Community Grid and one of seven projects currently active. The other six active research projects are: Help Conquer Cancer (launched November, 2007), Discover Dengue Drugs – Together (launched August, 2007), Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2 (launched July, 2006), FightAIDS@Home Phase 2 (launched November, 2005), Nutritious Rice for the World (Launched May, 2008) and The Clean Energy Project (launched December, 2008). For more detailed information and FAQs about each of these projects, please click on the Research button in the upper navigation bar or click here. We thank all of our members for their valuable contributions to the projects to date and hope you will continue to help us process those, as well as this latest project.

Because there are seven research projects running on World Community Grid, your grid agent could receive work units from any of the projects depending on your Project profile. If you prefer, you may elect to focus your computer's time only on particular projects. To do so, press the My Grid button in the upper navigation bar and select My Projects or click here. Work is sent only to machines which meet minimum system requirements set for a particular project. To read more specifics on the system requirements for the Help Fight Childhood Cancer project and the other projects, click here.

If you have any questions, World Community Grid provides you with four methods of obtaining assistance: (1) Review the FAQs found in the Help section of the website; (2) Review the forums to see if anyone has asked/answered the question that you have; (3) Ask the question in World Community Grid's Help Fight Childhood Cancer project forum found here and a Community Advisor or a more experienced member will provide an answer; or (4) Send an email to the support desk from the Contact Us link found at the bottom of every page of the website (except in the forums).

We thank you for contributing to the Help Fight Childhood Cancer project.
[Edit 1 times, last edit by nelsoc at Mar 13, 2009 4:02:18 PM]


古詩:手把青秧插滿田 低頭便見水中天 心地清靜方為道 退步原來是向前
獻花 x0 回到頂端 [1 樓] From:臺灣 | Posted:2009-03-21 08:03 |
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Discovering Dengue Drugs – Together (Phase 1) Completion
World Community Grid is pleased to announce that as a result of the immense contribution of computing power from our members, Phase 1 of the Discovering Dengue Drugs – Together project finished on August 11, 2009.

The project launched on August 21, 2007 and ran for nearly 2 years. During that time over 159,000 members processed more than 25,500,000 results which required nearly 12,000 years of computing power from about 400,000 computers.

The project was interrupted for 17 weeks when Hurricane Ike made landfall in Galveston, Texas, USA, on September 17, 2008 and significantly damaged the research facility. Fortunately, none of the members of the research team and their families were injured and the facility was put back in working order. The project was re-started in late January, 2009.

A part of this project end, we also made some website updates. On the Research Pages and in the forums, the project is moved from Active Research to Completed Research.

Completing this project is a significant contribution to the research of Dengue Fever, Hepatitis C, West Nile, Yellow Fever and other diseases caused by the Flaviviridea family of viruses. This same research would have taken 205 years to complete on the computers that the researchers from UTMB had available to them in 2007.

Phase 1 was designed to serve as a comprehensive screening of approximately 3 million small "drug-like" molecules and identify several thousand molecules which attach to these virus enzymes in a manner that disables them. Molecules such as these may lead to drugs which can keep the disease from spreading in the body. The purpose of Phase 1 was to reduce the number of molecules being examined to only those that are the most promising candidates. These molecules will be further examined in Phase 2.

Phase 2 of the project will run each of the molecules identified in phase 1 through computationally demanding free energy calculations. The molecules that make it through this screening will be the candidates that show the most promising interactions with the virus enzymes and will be taken forward and further examined in the laboratory.

At this time, the researchers are busy performing post-processing on the results from Phase 1 and preparing for Phase 2. You may read about these plans and get the latest update from Dr. Stan Watowich in the following forum thread: http://www.worldcommun...rg/forum ... read=26616.

On behalf of the Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together research staff at the University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas, USA, we wish to express our thanks to you for contributing your computer power to this project. With your contribution, this phase of the project was completed in a fraction of the time it would otherwise have taken.

While we wait for Phase 2 to start, we still need your help with eight (8) other ongoing projects! World Community Grid continues to run the FightAIDS@Home, Help Conquer Cancer, Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy - Phase 2, Help Fight Childhood Cancer, Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2, Influenza Antiviral Drug Search, Nutritious Rice for the World, and The Clean Energy Project. All of these important projects need your computer time.

IMPORTANT: If you have elected to participate only in the Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together project, you must take some action to prevent your World Community Grid agent from sitting idle on your computer until the next phase of the project launches. Please sign in to World Community Grid, and from the "My Grid" page, select the "My Projects" link (http://www.worldcommunitygrid...yProjects.do) from the menu on the left. From the "My Projects" page, select one or more of the other projects in which you choose to participate or check the box labeled “If there is no work available for my computer for the projects I have selected above, please send me work from another project” and then press “save”.

第一階段完成 第二階段近期會展開

古詩:手把青秧插滿田 低頭便見水中天 心地清靜方為道 退步原來是向前
獻花 x0 回到頂端 [2 樓] From:臺灣 | Posted:2009-08-27 09:53 |
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Dear Contributor/Innovator,

Just wanted to let you know how your donated computer cycles are helping improve the planet.

•      Scripps Research Institute scientists recently found two compounds that will lead to new treatments for drug-resistant HIV strains
•      The Grid is also being used to conduct virtual screening experiments to develop a new class of HIV inhibitors
Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together - Phase 2:
•      The University of Texas Medical Branch has just launched an exciting project on the grid to identify promising drugs to combat Dengue and other related viruses
•      Phase 2 of the project is designed to reduce the number of Phase 1 false positives (i.e., dead ends)
•      As a result, Phase 2 will be much more productive, efficient, and rewarding
•      Sign up to contribute to this project!
Here is more information about FightAIDS@Home, Discover Dengue Drugs - Together - Phase 2, or other projects running on World Community Grid.

Thanks again for donating your computer time to help with these terrific projects. Please let a friend know about the World Community Grid - we need all the computing power we can get to keep doing this important work.

The World Community Grid Team

If you wish to unsubscribe to this and all future emails from World Community Grid please click here.

FightAIDS@Home: 有些新進度 參考囉
Discovering Dengue Drugs - Together - Phase 2 Project   開始第二階段運算囉

古詩:手把青秧插滿田 低頭便見水中天 心地清靜方為道 退步原來是向前
獻花 x0 回到頂端 [3 樓] From:台灣新世紀資通 | Posted:2010-03-24 10:42 |
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http://www.worldcommunitygrid.org/about_us/viewNewsArticle.do?articl...ium=email&utm_campaign=rice_eop <--來源
13 Apr 2010

End of Nutritious Rice for the World project

Category: Nutritious Rice for the World
Tags: Project Event

World Community Grid is pleased to announce, that as a result of the generous contribution of computing power from our members, the Nutritious Rice for the World project finished on April 6, 2010.

Nutritious Rice for the World Research Project Completion

Member News

World Community Grid is pleased to announce that as a result of the generous contribution of computing power from our members, the Nutritious Rice for the World project finished on April 6, 2010.

The project was launched on May 12, 2008. While it was active, World Community Grid members processed over 29 million results which required nearly 26,000 years of computing power. This work would have taken about 200 years of time using the computing resources available to the researchers at the University of Washington. Using World Community Grid, this research was completed in less than two years.

With this project's completion, our members have significantly contributed to the research that is being done to ultimately develop rice strains that will make a difference in fighting malnutrition and feeding the world’s people.

Now comes the difficult part of sifting through the data to find the best models. The researchers need to find the best models from the almost 7 billion models generated. This should take approximately 3-6 months using their fastest methods. After identifying the most accurate models, they will use the information to figure out what functions these proteins perform in the rice organism. This involves comparing the structure and sequence to known proteins which is also a time consuming process. The plant genomes are not nearly as well studied as the human and mammalian genomes which makes the process all the more difficult.

You may read about these plans and get the latest update from The Nutritious Rice for the world scientists in this forum thread or on their website.

The Nutritious Rice for the World research staff at the University of Washington, USA wish to express their sincere gratitude to you for contributing your computer power to this project.

We still need your help with six (6) other ongoing projects! World Community Grid continues to run the following projects: FightAIDS@Home, Help Conquer Cancer, Help Cure Muscular Dystrophy - Phase 2, Help Fight Childhood Cancer, Human Proteome Folding - Phase 2, and Discovering Dengue Drugs – Together, Phase 2. All of these important projects need your computer time. If you only had Nutritious Rice for the World selected for active projects, then you will start receiving work from the other active projects. To modify your project selection criteria, please go to the My Projects Page.

大致就抗旱水稻計劃階段性完成,後續的將由人員整理資料了,一段時間(3-6個月)後等他們發表. 請各位繼續支持其它projet

古詩:手把青秧插滿田 低頭便見水中天 心地清靜方為道 退步原來是向前
獻花 x0 回到頂端 [4 樓] From:台灣新世紀資通 | Posted:2010-04-20 13:25 |
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圖 1.


By: The OpenPandemics Research Team
14 五月 2020      

The OpenPandemics - COVID-19 project helps researchers at Scripps Research look for potential COVID-19 treatments. But that's just the beginning for our newest project, and we need your help.

No treatment.

No cure.

No vaccine.

These are three grim facts about COVID-19, a disease caused by a newly identified and highly contagious virus, named SARS-CoV-2, that has, in just a few months, wrought havoc around the globe, causing severe illness and even death. But scientists and volunteers are uniting to power OpenPandemics - COVID-19, a new World Community Grid project to help address the urgent need for identifying potentially effective COVID-19 treatments.

Why is finding potential treatments for COVID-19 so important?

Soon after COVID-19 was identified, scientists began the complex undertaking of creating a vaccine that could help prevent the spread of the virus. However, this process is likely to take many months--or possibly years--even with a concerted, global effort among scientists and with accelerated clinical trials.

In the meantime, scientists are also searching for potential therapeutic agents that could help managing the symptoms, halting the progression of the disease, and ultimately speed healing from COVID-19. OpenPandemics - COVID-19 is one such effort, led by researchers in the Forli Lab at Scripps Research, who are accelerating the search by enlisting the help of World Community Grid volunteers.

How does World Community Grid work?

As a World Community Grid volunteer, you download a secure software program to your computer. And when your computer is not using its full computing power, it automatically runs a simulated experiment in the background which will help predict the effectiveness of a particular chemical compound in inhibiting the functions of viral proteins, as a possible treatment for COVID-19. Then, your computer returns the results of the completed simulation and requests the next simulation.

All of this happens unobtrusively, while you are going about your regular activities such as typing an email, browsing the Internet, or while your computer is idle but left on.

World Community Grid combines the results from your computer along with millions of results from other volunteers all over the world and sends them to the Scripps Research team for analysis. While this process doesn't happen overnight, it accelerates dramatically what would otherwise take many years, or might even be impossible.

What exactly are the scientists at Scripps Research looking for?
The Forli Lab is using a process known as molecular docking, which is the study of how two or more molecules fit together, to evaluate how chemical compounds might bind to SARS-CoV2 proteins and may therefore be effective as potential treatments.

By leveraging World Community Grid's massive computational power, the research team can virtually screen millions of known and novel chemical compounds in a matter of months instead of years. Promising compounds will then proceed through the drug discovery process, including laboratory testing.

How can this effort help address future pandemics?

From what scientists have learned from past outbreaks, they expect pandemics caused by newly emerging pathogens to become more and more common. That's why this project is being designed to be rapidly deployed to fight future diseases, ideally before they reach a critical stage.

In order to help address future pandemics, researchers need access to swift and effective tools which can be deployed very early, as soon as a threatening disease is identified. Using the knowledge and data from looking for potential COVID-19 treatments, the researchers plan to create a software infrastructure to streamline the process of finding potential treatments for other diseases. And, in keeping with World Community Grid's open data policy, they'll make their findings and these tools freely available to the scientific community.

In addition to searching for potential treatments for COVID-19, the scientists want to be prepared for the next emergency. Future pandemics could stem from a progressive accumulation of mutations, which can eventually lead to a new virus variant. This is what happened when the virus SARS-CoV1 mutated to become SARS-CoV2, the virus which causes COVID-19. So the research team is including proteins from SARS-CoV1 and other viruses, to be studied as part of OpenPandemics - COVID-19, which will help them assess how difficult would it be to find or design molecules capable of overcoming the inevitable mutations.


古詩:手把青秧插滿田 低頭便見水中天 心地清靜方為道 退步原來是向前
獻花 x0 回到頂端 [5 樓] From:臺灣新世紀資通股份有限公司 | Posted:2020-05-15 22:41 |

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