Multi Virus Cleaner 2007 v7.7.0 免费扫瞄器

来自法国的免费扫瞄器Multi Virus Cleaner是一个单独用来侦测及清除主要病毒的工具。它并不能取代全面的防病毒保护软件,而是一种帮助管理者和使用者清理受感染的系统的工具。多重病毒清理器可以定期更新,能够探测超过6064种(2007/9/27时的资料)常见的病毒、蠕虫、木马和非法拨号器(包括所有潜在的变化,mydoom和bagle病毒)。
Multi Virus Cleaner is a free utility used to detect and remove majorviruses. It is not a substitute for full anti-virus protection, butrather a tool to assist administrators and users when cleaning infectedsystems. Multi Virus Cleaner is regularly updated and can detect over5,900 common viruses, worms, trojans and dialers (including allvariants of the Sober, MyDoom and Bagle viruses). The program boasts afast, user-friendly scanner that requires minimal processing power andis an excellent choice for repairing a compromised system. Fast, lightand easy, Multi Virus Cleaner helps you to clean a computer infectedwith a recent virus.
官方网页 :
http://www.viruskeeper.c...007us.zip中文化没事 没事中文化