
Dear Users,
You may notice that all the stats are currently showing zero. This is due to the maintenance we are doing to try to get the team stats working again. We believe that the problem with the stats is because the stats table has grown too large (years of stats all held in one single table). We have cleared the table and are reimporting the last two years to try to reduce the size of the table. This is why everything is currently at zero.
Nothing is lost and if you have been contributing for more than two years again nothing is lost. Please be patient while we try to get this working again.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices
您可以注意, 所有stats 當前顯示零。這歸結於我們做□設法得到隊stats 再運作的維護。我們相信, 有stats 的問題是因為stats 桌增長太大(幾年stats 所有舉行在一張唯一桌裡) 。我們收拾了桌子和reimporting 最近二年設法減少桌的大小。這就是為什麼一切當前是在零。
Robby 釀酒者
Dear members,
There has been some confusion regarding the processing of workunits and point credit for returned workunits. I will try to clarify how the current system works and mention briefly how the upgraded system will work in regards to this.
Currently, workunits are credited as long as the job is still in an "active" state. Once the job is changed from an "active" state, any outstanding workunits will not be accepted and no point credit can be given. This is not new behavior, but some of the work management (e.g. new Rosetta jobs) we have been doing lately may make you think so.
For the past many many months, the Cancer jobs have been in an "active" state and any workunits could always be uploaded and credit recieved anytime. Since the data is not new and final results have been calculated, all but one Cancer job have been disabled. Anyone still crunching any of those other workunits would not have received credit once the job was marked inactive. Please understand that we cannot let jobs run forever.
The Rosetta jobs we have been running have been finishing much more quickly than we had expected (very good). In order to not crunch redundant workunits and to move on to new data, we have been disabling the Rosetta jobs as soon as they finish and we have been starting a new one with new data immediately. This would mean that any dispatched workunits that were still outstanding would not be credited after the job was marked "inactive".
We now realize that this may be causing some frustration and will tweak the Rosetta jobs to minimize this as follows.
1) We will limit the number of concurrent dispatches per workunit. This should limit the number of outstanding dispatched workunits at any given time.
2) We have set the wallclock timeout to three days. Any workunit that takes more than three real days to complete will be discarded.
3) Once we have all of the required number of results per workunit and the job is complete, we will wait the three day wall clock limit before marking the job "inactive". This should greatly limit the number of invalid workunits since we are limiting how many active dispatches there can be.
Note that there will still be some cases where there are dispatched workunits that will not be returned before the job is marked "inactive" and no credit will be given. Also note that once we move to the latest version of the grid software, this will no longer be an issue. When we have all of the results, the job will be marked "suspended" which means no more workunits will be dispatched, but we will still credit any returned workunits. Unfortunately, that same behavior just does not exist in the version we are currently running.
I know there is frustration in the user community due to perceived "work for nothing", but we are burning through Rosetta jobs in just a few days which is amazing and something everyone should be proud of. We still have a couple of snags getting the new Cancer data uploaded, but I know we will see similarly amazing results.
Please hang in there and thank you for contributing.
Robby Brewer
Senior Support Engineer
United Devices
有是一些混亂關於處理workunits 和點credit 為返回的workunits 。我將設法澄清怎麼當前的系統運作和簡要地提及怎麼被升級的系統將運作關於這。
當前, workunits 相信只要工作仍然是在"活躍" 狀態。一旦工作被更換從"活躍" 狀態, 任何卓著的workunits 不會被接受並且點無法被相信。這不是新行為, 但是一些工作管理(即新Rosetta 工作) 我們最近做□可以使您認為如此。
在過去許多許多月, 巨蟹星座工作是在"活躍" 狀態並且所有workunits 能總被上裝並且credit recieved 任何時候。因為資料不是新的並且最後的結果被計算了, 所有除了一個巨蟹星座工作失去了能力。任何人仍然咬嚼任何那些其它workunits 不會接受credit 一旦工作是被標記的不活潑的。請瞭解, 我們無法讓工作永遠運行。
我們運行的Rosetta 工作比我們期望了迅速完成(非常好) 。為了不咬嚼重複workunits 和不行動向新資料, 我們使Rosetta 工作失去能力當他們完成並且我們立刻開始新的以新資料。這會意味, 任何派遣了依然傑出不會相信的workunits 在工作是被標記的"不活潑的" 之後。
我們現在意識到, 這也許導致某一失望, 將扭捏Rosetta 工作使這減到最小如下。
1) 我們將限制一致急件的數量每workunit 。這應該在指定時候限制卓著的被派遣的workunits 的數量。
2) 我們設置了wallclock 暫停對三天。需要超過三真正的天完成的任一workunit 將被擯除。
3) 一旦我們有所有結果的必需的數量每workunit 並且工作是完全的, 我們將等待3 天的壁鐘極限在標記工作之前"不活潑" 。這應該很大地限制無效workunits 的數量因為我們限制多少份活躍急件那裡可能是。
注意有更將是有被派遣的workunits 不會返回的一些案件在工作是被標記的"不活潑的" 之前並且不會被相信。並且注意一旦我們搬走向柵格軟體的最新的版本, 這不再將是問題。當我們有所有結果, 意味的工作將被標記"暫停" 沒有其他workunits 不會被派遣, 但是我們更將相信所有返回的workunits 。不幸地, 那同樣行為不存在在我們當前跑的版本。
我知道有失望在廣大用戶由於被察覺的"工作為□什麼", 但我們燒通過Rosetta 工作在幾天是令人驚訝的並且某事大家應該是驕傲的。我們仍然有兩三根斷枝得到新巨蟹星座資料被上裝, 但我知道我們將看相似地令人驚訝的結果。
Robby 釀酒者
